Gallatin's Campus Icarus and Consciousness Club invite you to check out our annual springtime health fair. Join us in exploring what health is all about from a wide range of perspectives, traditions, and practices.
LOCATION: E & L Auditorium (4th floor), Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South
SCHEDULE: Come for one, two, or all of the activities planned!
4:00-5:00 - Yoga Class (45 min.) led by Abby Rosenbaum, followed by tea
5:00-7:00 - Discussion with Dr. Miles Neale and other professionals/professors on holistic approaches in health care.
7:00 - A delicious DINNER (sponsored in part by LifeThyme) and lecture on "Food and Mood" by Liz Brackbill and Natasha Blank.
8:00 - Open Fair!
1. Hear an introduction from and then talk with a variety of practitioners including a holistic nutrition counselor, acupuncturist, herbalist, acupressurist, essential oilist, Reike master, and more...
2. Tables with information on topics such as health and the environment, college mental health, and more will also be set up to peruse at this time.
*... AND MORE! ...*
Interested in partaking? Running a table? Promoting your services? You still can! Just send us an email at