Icarus Collective Call 11/5/08

Michael, Will, Nick, Molly

Forum Issues

NY Event-Casual Dinner with friends Thursday 6pm 123 Space
Affordable carry out food (order ahead), potluck, or ?
*Michael will check with freegan network, food-not-bombs friends about food.
*Michael will draft email invite to circulate to friends, post on forums, nyc-events list, etc.
Michael invited Jeff and Alan to Fri. am Fountain House meeting.  Ken will be away and Elliot still needs to be invited.  Who else? 
We'll meet at FH at 9 am for meet up then tour/meet/greet 9:30. 
(Galaxy Diner close by if folks want to get breakfast early before)
*Michael going to FH Farm Mon-Wed next week for refresher.
There is internet connection, cell service?(depends on phone), linens/towels, etc.
*Molly will circulate brainstorm of tools/materials and other needs to bring for everyone to contribute to.  *Michael will see what they have available there.
Dietary needs and other accommodation requests can be included in brainstorm responses from all.  Still need people to take on facilitating tasks/topics.
*Everyone agreed to invite Annie, representing campus icarus in lieu of new hire, pending consensus of others.  *Michael will contact her and invite.
*Need to confirm Mimi's friend who will join us and help with cooking.

Campus Icarus Hiring:
Applicants got sent emails. 
Do we want to proceed and second interviews or wait until after retreat to proceed with hiring process? 
Those present agreed to wait until after the retreat because it is so soon. 
*Will agreed to send email stating we have delayed hiring process.

Forum Issues:
Recent activity regarding med swaps and obtaining illegal substances alerted mods to need to respond. 
*Community guidelines will be slightly altered to include a line about fed/state laws to replace "nothing that will get us sued".  Nick and Will will coordinate. 
Currently skeleton crew of site moderators/need to recruit more and support new folks stepping up.  Coordinators who are able encouraged to step up and chime in on mod forums as able.  *Molly will alert Will and others if necessary (for historical context and support as needed).
*Will will circulate moderator agreement and Nick will post in Mod Group/updated with changes. 

Meeting next week 3pm EST for a quick pre-retreat check in for those who are able.