12/12/06 1:30 Staff Conference Call 

Facilitator: Will

Notetaker: Sarah


I. Check-In’s

II. Notes from last meeting

III. $$$


-Jeff Aaron

            -Madigan and Ash yesterday, went over proposal, good meeting.

-Jeff is not giving us a “list” of people to contact, doesn’t really           exist.

-Us meeting w/ board of FH? Jeff pursuing, hoping for first week  in Jan. Ash will post when these will be. Have Madigan concert?

-Van Am

            -Looks like April 1st, but looks good for us. A bit of a relief

-Funder letters went out

-Send holiday fundraising letter out to members


            -More $$ than we though we have. $17,000

            -Madigan went to FJC, good to meet Nicole

            -Online “banking”

            -Wellness fund

-Schedule time to talk to Janine


-Fundraising crisis over, enjoy holidays!


-Pay people on vacation?/ Reimbursements, travel expenses

            -Precedence=Madigan, $200/mo.

            -Sascha-wants to get reimbursed for travel costs, not get paid

                        -Sascha will send list of things he want to be paid back for

                        -Table for now.


IV. Website troubles

            -Search not working for new content

            -Will has volunteer through Drupple web site, also put notice for paid people

-Set time limit on volunteer (maybe 2 weeks), if she doesn’t come through, pay someone


V. Work Priorities/Job descriptions

            -Table for some other time, not enough time today.

            -Basically, create sense of priorities as a group.

            -Maybe do this next week together


VI. Sarah’s work

            -See Open Plans


            -What’s going to happen in January when Sascha’s gone?

            -Liz planning to be coordinator next semester, ind. Study

            -Brad Lewis, going on sebat., new professor going to take his role with us.

            -Liz will be in direct communication with us re: working on peer ed. Program

            -Sascha will send us an email


VIII. Feminist Health Gathering

            -London radical medic training right after

            -No funding for transportation

-If we have our own funding, we could be a part of this, would have to be a female-identified person

-Get someone to donate plane ticket for Ashley and Sarah to go

-Housing taken care of, we need to get $ for transportation to and from London and Leeds.


IX. Holiday parties

-Sascha’s birthday on Saturday, welcome to come up this weekend to German   Town.

            -New Year’s community art project in Red Hook.


X. Scheduling

            -Ashley won’t come in this Friday.

            -Sascha gone 12/31-1/31


XI. Collective calendar

            -Will will set up on Google.


XII. National collective call

            -Prepare agenda?

            -Let folks know?

            -Madigan put on discussion forum

            -Delegate note-taker, facilitator at beginning of meeting

            -1 or 2 agenda items, open up for support, using staff as resource.

            -Madigan will send an email on Saturday and on discussion forum