Notes from 10/7/09 Collective Call

Present: Molly, Madigan, Kiran, Eric, Annie, Angel

 Scribe: Annie

Co-facilitators: Molly and Madigan


Workgroup/Personal Check-in’s:

• Eric – doing well, settling into new telecommuting PT position

update forum design/software, hoping to gave new version done by late fall

conflict-free/quiet forums

ways to re-engage with Nick?

how to expand web working group to include more volunteers? outreach strategies and spread out web maintenance duties (Molly suggested reaching out to JackRabbit?)

• Kiran –

Lots of work with the US Social Forum: trying to get feedback from people (online starting Oct. 15th – feedback from The Icarus Project?)

December 15th – workshop proposal forms up (through March 15th)

Would be great for TIP to get involved! (Each org can only propose one)

Will be at the NASCO conference in Nov. (meet Annie and Angel!)

• Molly – running around, Mental Illness Awareness Week – making sure to stock alternative information in community, excited to talk about volunteerism and database and fundraising

• Annie – emotionally and physically not-so-hot; great meeting with Mimi – clearer/excited about new admin responsibilities, but also overwhelmed. "Exit interview" with mimi started & to be continued/shared shortly.

• Madigan – stop-and-go energy, lots of TIP happenings in Bay Area, SinInvalid performance last weekend really exciting/inspiring (events planning, art); got tickets for NY in November (through early December) – make meetings with FH and former funders? End of year urgency and anxiety due to history of running out of money at this time; thinking of shifting into fundraising support role more? End of year pleas/appeals to members – raffle prize aspect exciting prospect

• Angel – new apartment (!); supportive of Annie going (solo) to Pop Ed conference next weekend and bringing info back to others.


Covering Basics:

• Someone covering Mimi emails? YES: Angel and Annie divvying up

• Mailing address: YES we can receive physical mail at WRL…

• Mimi exit interview: Annie will remind her to send notes when they're ready

• Eric: reach out to Nick to do exit interview? passing off of info…putting together more formal documentation of knowledge/tools/processes/etc.



-       Confusion about bank accounts, donations…

-       Network for Good and JustGive: both cut periodic check (couple weeks lag time), take slight cut, thank you’s come from them

-       Then $ goes to FJC…this is where it gets murky – don’t know who different donations come from!

-       SALSA: Simple and accessible to all and transparent and enables tracking/follow-up…

-       Separate call/conversation about Salsa/database start-up? Discuss how this tool is going to serve our needs

-       Layer of complexity: building capacity to break from FJC? Use of database may start that…

-       Need to launch a fundraising campaign…but need a way to track in place before doing so

-       End of year appeal: do we have consensus to do this outreach? Include reminder of mission/vision/update…reach out to local groups, members, CI.

-       Try to not get swept into exciting, creative, inspiring fundraising ideas but keep focus on addressing the basics first


Next week:

- Rapid fire brainstorming with collective members for the TIP Mad Map

- Our Needs for database: review documentation (from retreat last year, notes from Mimi)


Check Out/Carry Forward:

• Kiran – Think about what you’d put on a TIP Mad Map for next week

• Angel – Pop-Ed workshop: figure out if Annie’s attending; Meeting with Annie today will be clarifying of our roles; Questions around support network

• Molly – Break out working group descriptions; will reread fundraising letter Eric drafted; around for extra support/conversation this week

• Madigan – Thinking about advisory board, folding into an appeal; putting her time and energy behind fundraising – another working group model? On board to facilitate and support

• Annie – Angel meeting/role clarifying; Mimi follow-up re: exit interview; email with cumulative notes on "Our Needs for Database"

• Eric – reach out to Nick; continue to actualize fundraising appeal process


Annie/Angel Meeting Notes:

(in NYC after call)

- Waiting for "invitation" from Google Voice (for new free voicemail service), likely will take a few weeks; Angel pursuing back-up options

- Established strategy for co-managing Icarus.Orders email account

- Weekly office hours: Annie on Tuesdays, 2-5ish; Angel on Wednesdays, afternoons around call?

- Angel will connect with Will about updating postcard language before sending out for new order

- Put together email/plan for Pop Ed workshop fundraising (Annie will attend both days as representative - asking for small individual donations of $10 to cover cost)

- Great planning call w/Kiran and another co-panelist regarding one of two NASCO presentations we're doing at the conference in Ann Arbor in early November...very exciting.

- Addressed interpersonal conflicts/different working styles and committed to more open communication, sensitivity and respect regarding our differences and individual situations/backgrounds, and ready to start fresh/move forth with collaborative and supportive energy!