10/25/09, 9:00 PM est
Present: Molly, Annie, Jonah, Angel, Will, Eric, Nick
Scribe: Annie
Timekeeping: Molly
Facilitation: Angel
Proposal Elements
- flip thinking around this
- dive into Salsa with specific time-frame and intention to acquire as much info as possible, use as a Tool to learn from
- techies in Icarus labs will meanwhile be putting energy into perfecting CivCRM/open source/free software
- short, medium, and long-term strategy
- important to listen to voices of folks who will be using it
- all systems need ability to import contact info
- CivCRM: huge strides recently
- we need to learn what these tools are best at, by immersing ourselves in options
- “Detour” through Salsa…but also might stay there if we love it
- Great way to understand the compartmentalizing/compressing of info is by trying one way of doing it
* Synthesizing... a BOTH/AND rather than EITHER/OR approach! *
Upgrading TIP to Drupal 6…potential complication/timely process
- But we were going to do anyway though
- Need to figure out integration process: into Salsa…then into something else. IE: eventual export of data from Salsa to CivCRM
Nick’s Caution: don’t put too much data into Salsa if we’re not going to stick with it
Molly’s Top Priority:
A Mad Gift registry for volunteer coordination
Eric: more on the side of going with CivCRM, philosophically and financially
- Arrangement for waved start-up fee/free trial period?
- Timeframe: from consensus to start-up to smoothly functioning?
- Consensus to eventually move beyond Salsa…?
- Empowering Nick to code/set-up open source
- Check-points in calls on how it’s working for us
- 3-month check-point about how it’s working overall
Next Steps
• Clarity around free trial/deal available to us à ANNIE (w/Mimi), JONAH (w/Charles)
• Nick’s role in this process: OK with volunteering for time being. Then will breakdown into steps, timing, payment, job sharing w/Eric again, etc. in future.
• NICK will update on the technicalities/timing piece re: Drupal 6 upgrade within the next two weeks
Projected Timeline
• November 1st: Register & get going with Salsa, to use for Winter Solstice fundraising campaign
• January 1st: Check point process begins