About the call:
I(nel) jumped on late...Scatter, Tygrlilie, Zacho, Astra, Silverelf and later Sandpiper were there.
No set topic this go around.
We each checked in and I do recall Sascha mentioning loud and clear, "I hate conference calls!"
Zacho asked:
"What are the good things that can happen at a meeting or on a conference call?"
Folks answered:
Feel less alone, spark conversations, belong to something bigger than self/part of a movement, to learn something, to put into practice/work on context/skill share.
I didn't really take notes, but caught some basics...help me here if you can fill in some blanks, common themes, thoughts/feelings post call???
Astra is gonna get a conference call brainstorming thread going on.
Tygrlilie suggested getting a list rolling of folks who would be willing to co-facilitate future calls.
Zacho is going to write an article about his impressions.
Sandpiper is gonna put out the call for next month's call 3/15.
I said I'd put something here...this will have to do for now.
Submitted by sandpiper on Wed, 08/19/2009 - 10:56pm