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Hey there!

Hey Chia!

Welcome back to cyberspace!  I would be happy to chat with you about layout when you have the time.  I sent you a PM while you were away.  Will wanted to know about word count for his essay revision, and I told him that you were the one to ask.  Please touch base with him when you can.  I could relay a message, but it makes more sense for you to just contact him directly.

I think a group call next Sunday 1/10/10 sounds good.  Feel free to contact me whenever.  I am glad you're back.  Let me know what I can do to help.  I hope you're alright.  Take care of yourself!

Best Wishes!

Weclome Back Online!

Yes.  Take a break this Sunday (don't work too hard, Chiaroscuro) and we can get busy the following week.  

People can connect individually and we can email any info or tasks needed done before then.   

Next zine meeting Sunday January 10th, 4:30 pacific/7:30 eastern!  Hear you there!