In 2008 several Icaristas began discussing the creation of a newsletter or zine (see: ).

The initial intent was to weave articles into a clear and evocative tapestry that presents alternative perspectives to the traditional mental health system. We would like to see it reach people stuck in the system who may not have the means necessary to access alternative information.

This working group is where we have organized all the submissions we currently have, where we put treasures we'd like to see included, where images are stored, and tasks are broken down for those who would like to take an active role in compiling, editing, designing, and distributing the zine. 

Once you are a member of this group you can see tasks and deadlines listed on the task list.  You can add to and edit materials in the wiki and you can communicate with other members of the zine team to collaborate and activate our collective super powers.



Zine Team Planning Notes now altogether in a Wiki

Check out the notes from our last two zine team planning meetings here... or click on "wiki" and then click on "Zine Team Planning Notes"

We also need feedback on Sunday's January 10th zine call...!



Back online!

I have a more or less reliable internet connection again (hurray!) but I'm working a lot this week and don't think I'll be able to get a draft together for everyone to look at before this Sunday. Should we schedule the call for the following week like we talked about?

graphic submission i mentioned in wonka call

hi everyone, here is the illustration i did for the Cycle Seen bike

art show in Portland, maybe it can fit in the zine somewhere --

Little Update: Graphics/Images and so on…

I renamed all the Zine Submissions to match the Found Treasures format so that they would be in order of type and easier to navigate.  I wasn't sure about the categorization of some of the written submissions, so I used different essay types.  I hope this is okay with everyone.  I am open to suggestions.  Hell, you can just edit it if you don't like it.  I would not be offended.

I put all the graphics that have been collected so far into the Gallery!  Found Treasures have an asterisk...

12/20/09 Zine Meeting

And a good time was had by all...

Catmind, Inel, Chiaroscuro, TheAntiSocialite

Personal Check Ins
All kinda out of it.  All appreciative of others and their commitment to this project. 

Our homework this past week was to read all submissions to discuss.

Editing Check In
Spatial/Layout Update
Next Steps

All agreed on light editing/surface as opposed to deep. 
Some pieces are unusable due to length and repetition. 
Some need further development and work with authors. 
Reese began editing and created draft document that folks are having difficulty navigating.  Need clarity.  *Molly will check in with Reese. 
It needs to be apparent what has been changed.  Can use bold text to indicate. 
Revisions/edits can be made directly to Wiki documents. 
Wiki saves multiple versions, see “revisions”. 
Check for readability and balance of voices. 
Suggestion to continue longer pieces over multiple issues or to create short form of longer pieces.  Will’s family story was an example of piece that was too long.  *Chiaroscuro is working with Will on shortening it while maintaining cohesion of piece.

“A focused thematic manifesto!”  chiaroscuro

Short List of Pieces to Include:
Diagnosis Human-polvora
Indicator Species-steven smiles
Zyprexa Coffe Cup-nightbloom
Medication Haikus-*chiaroscuro will paste into wiki
Comic/Loving with a mad mind-Jelenazool

Above works out to be about 8 pages of 16 pages total (4 sheets in 1/2)

Will’s Family Story-needs shortening
Other Side of the Incantation-Ashley-suggested to hold for summer issue

*TheAntiSocialite agreed to sort images/identify on submission page.  She will work with Chiaroscuro identifying image needs and find artwork that goes with articles.  Can create images/clip art or use classic Icarus images to fill in (check gallery on front page).

Look out for cover art.  Suggestion for wrap around image that would go from front/back cover and work in either black and white and color.  Art of Vincent or similar pieces may work well. 
Next Steps:

Weekly Zine Meetings to maintain momentum!
7:30 pm (est) Sundays Next Meeting 12/27/09

*Catmind will prioritize editing short list (above)

*Inel will add “Taking Care of Basics 2” and Quotes to “Found Treasures”.  Try to connect with Reese. 

*Chiaroscuro will work with Will on his submission and continue to play with layout.  Add Medication Haikus to wiki.

*TheAntiSocialite will tag images and seek more.  (Try to use gallery?)

***We will meet again next Sunday!  Hurray! 

Can someone agree to send reminders for next week’s call? 

Thanks Y’all! 

PS-Should these notes be posted as blog entries or archived in a wiki for easier navigation later? 

i added my family story from the forum thread

hi all, i added my family story from the forum thread -- let me know what you think, i'd be honored to have it included! ~~~~~ will

consensus and descision making

Lawrence Butler, who founded one of the first chapters of food not bombs a few decades ago  - has been working in the area of consensus and descision making and has written several books. I think his information would be really valueable in helping us move along - he has been generous enough to provide a free video on the aero website of one of his workshops:

Notes from 12.13.09 conference call

Or, "How Trying To Simplify Things Can Make Them More Complex."

This was the first time that more than two of us actually spoke together about what we're doing and how to go about it. I didn't take extensive notes, but wanted to highlight some of the discussion and particularly the points of agreement. 

Thinking About Next Steps

I think a tele-wonkavator meeting is in the works, but I've been brainstorming tasks and next steps to add/subtract from and carry on to a call.  This project is still really exciting to me (and many others), so I'm glad it's still alive (and we are too) as we look forward to next steps to get rolling again.  I want to acknowledge that collaborating on projects over the internet is a goofy thing so we need to cut ourselves some slack around that while continuing to connect and inspire one another to follow through. 

We need clarity on the following things:

Is there a limit to length of pieces? 

Can we ask for/suggest excerpts of longer pieces? 

How much editing is necessary, beyond basic typos and such? 

What further consent or contact do we need from those who have submitted and already agreed to be included?

How many pages (total) do we want the zine to be?  

What size of paper should we use for layout?  

I think we need to...

See what we have and sort into some kind of flow of information  (i'd like to help with this...anyone wanna buddy up on this task?)

See if we have enough images to balance words...sense what else is missing

Find those missing pieces (buried treasures)

Decide on a name/unifying theme for the zine and seek some cover art

Ask someone like Steven (or ?) to write an intro

Create some deadlines and check points to keep us motivated

Appreciate ourselves for hanging in there!!! 

My current understanding is that Catmind will be taking editorial lead and Chiaroscuro has stepped up to do layout.  Sandpiper is taking lead on coordinating a call and updating organic group.  Am I correct?  Anyone else out there taking on a piece or part I don't know about. 

I'm happy to advocate/communicate within the TIP collective for other support needs for this project.  Once we find out about estimated length/size I can look into cheap(er) printing options for a first edition.  Ashley is really skilled at putting together publications so we can connect with her for support...also she's currently working on a new reader on Trauma & Transformation and we may have some cross over submissions to share. 

Just thinking here...

Keep the faith and fire burning!

mad love, i/m




Three Hour Tour!

In which intrepid explorers sandpiper and chiaroscuro wrap their bendy minds around organic groups and this whole zine dealie.

Receiving Email Notifications for This Group

How to manage the notifications/posts/email you get from this group...




Planning for the Icarus ZIne on the WONkavAtor?!

who wants to go for a ride on the wonkavator?


"Group Tasks"

Check this out!

First Group Blog Entry...

what's this do!

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