The event will be structured like this:

5 PM - People come set up. Ken, Evan, and a couple others (sorry I
didn't record this) volunteered to show up to set up.
6 PM - 15 min or so for peops to get settled
10 min - Ken's intro to CB and Icarus
35 min - Crooked Beauty
- Announce that raffle tickets are still available to be bought, and
that the raffle will happen after the panel. Ken will have tickets for
people to buy.
- The Panel. Danni, emiko, Sascha, and Liz will present.
- Q and A. Ken will join the panel to participate in the discussion.
- We do the Raffle and Thank-yous.
- Break down / clean-up

We did not specify how long the Panel and Q and A will run. It will
start shortly after 7 pm, and maybe 45 minutes to an hour would be a
good amount of time. We want people to still have time to hang after
the event.

Roles for us working the event:

Mic passer - Cathy
Door greeter - Liz
Merch table - emiko, and Heath when emiko is otherwise occupied (like
during the panel)
Get the Food - Heath and Cathy

The Q and A will be collectively moderated by people on the panel.

We will need one or two receptacles for donations, please bring
something. I will try to as well.



Jacks will go ahead with researching available rooms at CIIS, along
with Staci's schedule for speaking. We agreed to go ahead with Staci
Heanes. See attached text at bottom of this message for a copy of
Jacks' email in which Jacks explained Staci's awesomeness and other
details of her being our November Speaker.

We agreed to revisit the issue of Staci's honorarium. Jacks suggested
that it be something in the 100 to 200 dollar range. See the text
below for more on that.



We want to go ahead with Ethan Waters as our December Speaker. Danni
will research available CIIS rooms.


It was suggested that we finish out our Fall Speakers' Series at CIIS,
with Ethan Waters in December. The issue was raised about making
icarus events more open and accessible to more diverse people who may
be interested, including researching other venues such as the
Unitarian Universalist Church, GLIDE, and Modern Times Bookstore. We
agreed to put aside this issue for the November and December speakers,
and adress it when we begin planning our next speakers' series,
possibly in the Spring 2011.


Cathy brought up the issue of communication between CAIROC meetings
and Sunday Icarus meetings. One major point was that a discussion she
had been part of at one Sunday meeting, had been further discussed and
a conclusion reached at a subsequent CAIROC meeting, and then she
found out finally at another Sunday meeting about the decision, which
ultimately ran contrary to the feeling of the original discussion.

This raises a couple of issues. First, the issue of power. It seems at
this point that all of the major decisions on Bay Area Icarus matters
are made in CAIROC meetings, and that the decisions made in the
organizing part of Sunday meetings are dependent on a full
ratification at a later CAIROC meeting.

Second, the issue of communication. How can we keep folks coming to
Sunday meetings and on the Icarus listserv aware of the discussions
and decisions being made under the banner of CAIROC?

To begin to address these, we made a couple of decisions. First, make
sure notes from Sunday meetings are sent out promptly. Jacks suggested
we have a seperate note-taker/sender and meeting facilitator, because
the combined responsibility can be a lot. I suggest that we designate
the note taker role at the sunday meeting itself, and if the
facilitator is comfortable takeing and sending notes, that someone be
able to check in and step in to help send notes if it's too much for
that person.

Second, post CAIROC notes online and send a link to the icarus
listserv. I propose that the email sent to the Icarus list pointing to
the CAIROC notes online also give a little outline, bullet list, or
summary of the notes to cue folks' individual interest.

I will post these notes to the Bay Area Icarus blog on, and send out an email. To gain posting
privileges on this blog, there is a button you click on the blog,
which sends a confirmation email to emiko who will then let you in.

Finally, there is the issue of talking 'business' at the sunday
meetings in the presence of people who may not understand what we're
talking about. We proposed that we adhere to a general 1 hour support
/ 1 hour business meeting break down. After 1 hour, we will check in
on time and make the agenda, and then break down the second hour based
on how much time we want to give to business and how much time to more

Someone said that this can be more inviting and welcoming to newer
peoples, as well as give them more of a context and spirit to take
interest in business.

Jacks proposed that we expand the preamble to include some information
about CAIROC. Liz agreed to write up some text on this, and Jacks
agreed to finagle it into the meeting agreements and make it look nice
and Icarussy. Included in the text will be a statement that CAIROC is
open to those who want to participate in it, if you want to be part of
it come join us.


Anti-Oppression training with Kirin.

It Was Decided that Kirin do the workshop on the weekend of December
11 or 12. It will be a 4 hour workshop. 10 am to 2 pm was suggested as
a good block of time. Jacks will contact Kirin about this.


Transparancy in communication with National Icarus.

It was suggested that a CAIROCka be present on each conference call.
The next one will be a week from Wednesday at 1 PM. Danni has

Jacks described National level Icarus as "limping along in crisis
mode". The web site people are committed to the site and working on
rolling out a new version of the site soon; Angel who has been in
charge of Distro is stepping down, and is looking for someone to take
all the materials; and communication between everyone is not in good

Liz volunteered to adopt the boxes of Icarus materials, and store them
in her basement. Angel will most likeley be mailing them in early

Danni volunteered to take on distro emails.

We agreed to save all distro requests for a once-monthly Distro Work
Party, where interested icaristas can get crazy while lovingly packing
boxes to send out to bookstores, infoshops and other people.

Jacks proposed the idea of print-on-demand, whereby someone wanting
icarus material can send a request to 1984 printing (through us) for
one or two books.


A few other points.

Jacks will research the making of the announcement list, as well as
allowing other folks admin status. Danni will type our email adresses
into an Excel spreadsheet for easy transfer.

Evan will bring checks for Danni and Heath tomorrow. Heath will give
evan the reciept from food buying in exchange for check, and evan will
later get reimbursed.

Everyone else please bring your reciepts to emiko to get reimbursed
from Student Alliance.

We still need to get that form for Bob Whitaker to fill out so he can
get his honararium. Emiko or Danni can do this, I did not record if
either of you volunteered to do so.

We agreed to revisit the conference Liz roommate is working on; Liz
wants to attend along with one other icarista. The deadline to apply
is the end of october. Whoever is present at next Sunday's meeting can
announce this to the sunday group.

Icarus needs a mailing address, as the NYC address connected to the
office is going off-line, because the office's main function has been
housing the distro.



We raised the need for a dedicated treasurer, and to discuss all
aspects of our money.
Continue talking about November and December speakers.


Appendix - Jacks' email about November Speaker Staci Haines

Hey folks - excited to see those of you who will be at CAIROC on
Thursday, and sorry I keep missing Sunday meetings. Sundays are a hard
time for me to do right now.

I wanted to let you know that Staci Haines (the bad-ass somatics
teacher/healer/activist and author of the Survivors Guide to Sex who I
mentioned in a previous email) has confirmed that she is totally open
to be our November speaker, if we still need one for November, or to
be scheduled for a future month if we already have a plan for
November. (I know Kathy was interested in talking more about
revisiting the idea of having the Hearing Voices person from Scotland
in November? Not sure if that got discussed on Sunday since notes
haven't gone out. Any word on that?) Staci is also thrilled about the
idea of contributing to some kind of somatics & social justice panel
at CIIS in the spring.

will share more details at CAIROC. Just thought I'd let you all know
about the possibility.

much mad love

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