Great meeting last night at la Boheme. We stayed strong and worked
through some intense energy and got through some logistics on upcoming

Notes breakdown -

+ Staci Heanes
= Retreat weekend 1/29
+ Other stuff
= Next meeting


Staci Heanes will be our featured presenter on January 25, 7pm, at
Namaste Hall on the 3rd floor of CIIS. Some points we would like to
work out for this event are:

Staci is planning to do some physical demonstrations that everyone
present is invited to participate in, respecting individuals' decision
to join in or not. How can we prepare for people to sit, stand, and
move around? Should we do a 'standing room only' event, with chairs on
the side for the tired and lazy. Or could we set up chairs in such a
way that they can be cleared out when it's time to move around.

We would like to have some more specific idea what to expect for this
somatic workshop, to put in our ads and tell people. We can contact
Staci about this, first though if you'd like to share anything you
know Jacks, what kinds of things will be going down?

The feeling seems to be that this event will be very well attended,
and Staci will be presenting to a packed Namaste hall. If we do
standing room in the center, maybe Staci could have a little stage she
can stand up on so everyone can see her some what.

Danni has volunteered to make a nother bangin-ass flyer, no pressure
danni, and send it to the cairoc list for us to look at before we
print out a ton of them.

The flyer will also go to Dorian, who has been volunteered to create
another sweet poster, using info from the flyer.

It's important to have on the flyer two things to satiate CIIS Student
Alliance, who may be contributing up to 500 dollars to help put on the

1 'Sponsored by CIIS Student Alliance'
2 'free to all CIIS students'

Danni has also volunteered to put up a facebook event for Staci
Heanes. She has also offered to follow up with CIIS on the event's
logistics, as far as getting chairs, the PA, etc. We want to apply for
funding to CIIS Student Alliance, and have agreed for now on these
numbers for the 500 dollars -

120 - food
30 - posters materials
50 - icarus literature
300 - stipend for staci heanes

We wanted to run the stipend number by Jacks, Jacks what do you think
about 300 for Staci?

As before we'll have a 5-10 dollar suggested donation.

Danni will send Ted her flyer blurb for the event, Ted has agreed to
contact SF Bay Guardian for free event listing. Anyone who is moved to
pump this event on in their lives or in the internet, on indybay, go
for it. At the Ethan watters event, my friend who came had done a
search online for events happening that night and our event came on
top of some search thing.


Apparently we still have 200 $ coming from CIIS Student Alliance for
Icarus literature. We need some kind of receipt or invoice showing
that figure...

Liz, do you have any kind of invoice that came with the publications?
Danni will email Angel for a new one, if not.
Jacks, maybe you have some better idea of how to produce such a document.


We talked about the upcoming retreat, tentatively scheduled for the
last weekend in January. Evan will research Marin Headlands, Point
Benita, and possible other places to do it, by the end of this week.

We had an electrical little brainstorm about the retreat:

= What are peoples' visions for the icarus project? How do we want to
embrace and build our capacity, individually and as a group, to commit
energy to projects that feel right to follow through for people?

= Let's talk about the inclusiveness of the icarus project. What are
the ways that icarus is open to sharing energy and responsibility with
newcomers, specifically people from different race backgrounds, gender
and sex, and different ages and experience? How bonding as a group and
nurturing a strong connection between a small group of people affect
the confidence of new people joining the group?

= Foundational. What are our ideas about mental health? We spend
meetings talking about our lives and doing support, or organizing...
our different conceptions and cultures around mental health come out
peripherally. What are our personal and spiritual motivations for the
work we do. This can be a good time to give space for this dialog.

As a next step, let's share this brainstorm with any potential
facilitators. Liz has sent the emails from facilitators to the group
and we have yet to decide who to contact. Now at least we have
something good to contact them with.


The idea of House Calls was brought up. This is where, if someone is
not able to make the slag out to a support meeting, Icarus can come to
that person's home and have a meeting in their personal space.
Immediately all kinds of issues come up: how can we commit to support
while respecting our own boundaries for how involvedwe want to get?
How can we offer a thing like this and respect the person whose home
we are in boundaries? How can someone be comfortable reaching out for
something like this? and so on.

The model of AA meetings, where people freely offer and share phone
numbers, could be useful for icarus.

SB brought the idea of having a guaranteed (trained?) facilitator at
every sunday meeting. This person will be prepared welcome any new
comers. Building capacity for this and other things is something we
can explore at the retreat.

SB and emiko will be talking about icarus POC (people of color)
caucus. stay tuned...


Let's  have someone print out last meeting's notes at the next
meeting! This will really take CAIROC into 2011.

NEXT CAIROC meeting: Jan 1/17 monday 6.30 - 8.30 at La Boheme on 24 st
btween mission and valencia.
At the meeting we will: finalize details for Staci Heanes event.
Finalize retreat plans. Revisit anti-opression work.

Peace everyone


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