Many of you keep asking me... what's my cure??? Here's the short version...

I tried every med you can think of, including depakote, haldol, lithium, topomax, zoloft, efferxor, prozac, etc... After all this and 15 years of being drugged off and on, I believe that meds are bandages covering the underline causes...

Identifying the emotion is the KEY to recovery. Once you recognize which emotion is blocking your health, you can easily work towards healing it. HOW??? A lot of therapy (any type of therapy that you like, including group therapy, spiritual therapy, music therapy, ecotherapy, sound therapy, etc.), meditation, yoga, exercise, spiritual focus... anything that helps YOU free yourself from this negative emotion. In the process you may discover other emotions blocking you... I did.... I had guilt and fear...two very negative emotions. 

My emotional imbalance stemmed partly from an abusive environment in my house while growing up and partly from relationships that followed. The diagnosis label many of you are asking me about ranges from doctor to doctor :)... However, it has no significant value, as diagnoses are labels used in psychiatry to help doctors identify what they call 'illnesses'. In part, I believe 'illness' can result from negative environment/emotions...but the underline causes of illness are the negative emotions from childhood environments, habits, nutrition, and, in very rare cases, genes.

I have found my peace through nutrition (including foods & drinks I must eat and others I must avoid, including taking vitamins, minerals and amino acids every day!) and through sound therapy, which uses frequencies (listening to sounds with headphones) to balance brain waves. Through these methods and my exercise, yoga, meditation and spiritual enlightenment & practice, I have found peace, love and light!!

I wish you the best and truly hope you see the light and love within you. If you need anything, feel free to write me.


true enough, labels are just words, nothing really is adequate to describe a persons unique experience.

 : ) scribblings