I just discovered this, but if you click on "Email notifications" over there on the right red sidebar you can decide which kinds of notifications/posts you want to receive from this group. You can also choose the frequency with which the messages are sent out and their delivery method.  And finally, you can restrict notifications only for certain content types.

I just set my email notifications to receive all posts for now.

Ah! I also discovered I needed to pick "mail" instead of "html mail" as the delivery method...

I kept getting hard to read messages with weird symbols!

Thanks sandpiper!

This post was helpful to me.  I discovered there's also an RSS feed for the group, if you go to its home page:



For those who don't know, I volunteered to be the editor-proofreader for the zine.  Guess I never introduced myself on the original thread.   I've been correcting only spelling and typos and questioning anything that seems strange to me (taking into account that we're all strange anyway :-))  I'm leaving grammar, style, & usage (and sometimes spelling too) alone so as to reflect the contributors' personal styles.  Any suggestions.. PM me.

I will need at least a week (could be shorter if I'm not loaded down at the time, but that almost never happens!) to get copy back to Steven or sandpiper, however you want to arrange that.  I've asked that it be sent to my webmail address; I'll return it to whoever sends it to me unless otherwise specified.  I don't mind being reminded if I'm not responding; right now I'm having some computer problems and haven't been online much lately.  Hope that'll be resolved soon.


Thanks, too, sandpiper, for setting up this group.  It's a lot easier to access than the other, and I hope it will help us get to know one another better and keep the project going.  Cheers, all!

