test blog

A test or an examination is

A test or an examination is an assessment intended to measure a test-taker's knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics. A test may be administered orally, on paper, on a computer, or in a confined area that requires a test taker to physically perform a set of skills. Tests vary in style, rigor and requirements. ccna voice pdf / Comptia network+ / ccna certification / microsoft mcp / cissp study guide / cissp certification / mcse exams / mcitp training /

Benefit Show

My name's Andy Hyland, I'm a musician that suffers from Scizoaffective Disorder, which you know is a combination of Scizophrenia and Bi Polar Manic Depression.  I'm wanting to put on a benefit show for those who also suffer from mental illness, the only way I could feel better is if I did something to help, and trust me, music is great therapy for those that have similar to what I have. 

I can be reached through e-mail, andyhylandmusic@gmail.com.  Let me know if anybody is interested in helping me get something going.  Also if interested, here is the link to my music page on myspace.  http://www.myspace.com/andyhyland84.  Thank you for your time. 



I already have a venue in mind. 

looking for community in STL

I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and put on Lithium. I grew up in St. Louis, though after having what I called a mystical experience (the first of many), yet was conferred to a "disorder," I moved to Portland, Oregon. After a recent "manic" episode and subsequent hospitalization, I find myself again escorted back to St. Louis to stay with family, as if that's going to help me. Unfortunately, the roller-coaster ride I find myself on is not so much my mental condition as the haphazard and schizophrenic dogma and protocol of social institutions that have the majority's (and thus my conservative parents') respect, while this brilliance, creativity, and humility is under-recognized, and because I'm passive, I'm the subject of oppression by the Ignorant. It kills the spirit, and I feel the need to communicate these things, to be a representative if I can be, for this sector, for these people--the new generation of prophets, the philosophers, etc., who are degraded, impeded, and marginalized by their families, friends, and institutions. The Icarus Project, of course, carries out a mission that resembles my own, yet I am less self-directed. I need community. I have a growing community on the West Coast, but none here. I've promised my parents to stay in town for a couple months. My initial reaction is to regret this decision, yet as an idealist, I'm looking to make the most of it (I'm also a Taoist by nature). The time here will be much more enjoyable if I can find other radical creators to connect with while I'm here. Please restore my faith in St. Louis!

 Jory Phillip Piccinino

looking for community in STL

I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and put on Lithium. I grew up in St. Louis, though after having what I called a mystical experience (the first of many), yet was conferred to a "disorder," I moved to Portland, Oregon. After a recent "manic" episode and subsequent hospitalization, I find myself again escorted back to St. Louis to stay with family, as if that's going to help me. Unfortunately, the roller-coaster ride I find myself on is not so much my mental condition as the haphazard and schizophrenic dogma and protocol of social institutions that have the majority's (and thus my conservative parents') respect, while this brilliance, creativity, and humility is under-recognized, and because I'm passive, I'm the subject of oppression by the Ignorant. It kills the spirit, and I feel the need to communicate these things, to be a representative if I can be, for this sector, for these people--the new generation of prophets, the philosophers, etc., who are degraded, impeded, and marginalized by their families, friends, and institutions. The Icarus Project, of course, carries out a mission that resembles my own, yet I am less self-directed. I need community. I have a growing community on the West Coast, but none here. I've promised my parents to stay in town for a couple months. My initial reaction is to regret this decision, yet as an idealist, I'm looking to make the most of it (I'm also a Taoist by nature). The time here will be much more enjoyable if I can find other radical creators to connect with while I'm here. Please restore my faith in St. Louis!


 Jory Phillip Piccinino