last updated: 12.14.10 ***NOTICE: CHANGE IN LOCATION***
We are The Mad Rads (f/k/a the Madison Radical Mental Health Collective) A collective of self-identified crazies, dreamers, manic-depressives, compulsive [everything-ers], dancers, thinkers, erratics & people with sensitive hearts and nervous systems who have recently begun to converge out of our shared discontentment with the stigmatization of our lives by the medical model, pharmaceutical industry & societal norms. We meet every week to check in with each other, build community and combat our inclinations toward isolation by providing a listening space and support for one another.
Inspired by the Icarus Project - A support network of local groups created by and for people struggling with bipolar disorder and other dangerous gifts commonly labeled as "mental illness" - We want to subvert the conventional notion of what it means to live with "mental illness" by living on our own terms and taking back our freedom to define our experiences, as we smash the abominable DSM.
The collective meets each THURSDAY at 6:30 p.m. at the Madison Infoshop at 1019 Williamson Street in the basement of Nature's Bakery.
If you're interested in checking out at a meeting or want more information, please e-mail
We also have a list-serv you can join at:
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