Hey everyone this is the working group of media and publications, developing language and spreading the word intergalactically...


every Saturday...something's up... find out...


The journey of self-love is ever unfolding and ever expanding. As you listen to your spirit, also known as your heart, intuition, knowingness, true feelings, or gut sense, you offer yourself respect. As you take action to express your inner self… that’s self-love in motion. And further down the road, as you evolve into the person that does not need to be understood by everyone…that is the embodiment of self-love.

Language, the most powerful tool

A professor of mine once said,

"Language, in its essential properties and the manner of its use, provides the basic criterion for determining that another organism is a being with a human mind and the human capacity for free thought and self-expression, and with the essential human need for freedom from the external constraints of repressive authority."  - Noam Chomsky, Language and Freedom


created this organic group page...

check the wiki for talking points, crisis handout, and media policy under development

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