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Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 01:16:53 -0800 [12/04/2009 04:16:53 AM EST]
From: William Foster <wfoster8560@yahoo.com>
To: coordinators@theicarusproject.net
Subject: Re: Icarus Needs You to Become a Sustainer! -- Can you get back to me in March
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I just lost my job so I don't want to make any commitments. I think in March, things will be much better and I can contribute at the $25 a month level. Can you please get back to me in March asking for a monthly contribution.
William Foster, PhD
Research Fellow
Arizona Research Institute for Solar Energy (AzRISE)
University of Arizona
publications at http://www.FosterandBrahm.com
cell: 520-440-0807
Twitter @STS330