Present on Call: Sandpiper, Inel, Chiaroscuro
REport Backs
SAndpiper's Report Back
Checked in with Catmind about the editing. Catmind won't be able to make the call. She has had a lot of health issues and will not be able to work on the editing until she is better. Said it would be okay if someone else wanted to take on this task. Those on the call discussed this and decided that the pieces we have chosen for this issue don't need much editing anyway so we will just go ahead with them as they are and not worry about editing. Chiaroscuro said she can always do some light editing as she goes if need be.
Antisocialite wasn't able to make it to the call, but is finished with her other tasks and wants to know what she can do to help.
Reese checked in by email/pm and is not able to make it to the calls on Sundays at 7:30pm. Could we schedule a daytime chat or have the meetings at another time? Still wants very much to be apart of the zine team and wants to know what her role is and how she can help. Those on the call discussed having a daytime chat or changing the meetings to another day and time. We also want Reese to be apart of the team! Due to work schedules and being as far along in the process as we are though, we decided to keep the meetings on Sundays at 7:30PM EST until this first issue of the zine is finished.
What are other ways Reese can be involved? We don't have a need for editing right now. Are there other roles or tasks that could be delegated? At this point in the process we really just need people to voice opinions on cover art & graphics and images to go with the essays. The meeting notes from 1/10 give more detailed information on what we need opinions and ideas on. We need Reese, Catmind and Antisocialite to give us input, opinions and ideas!
We also talked about delagating tasks for future zines. Maybe Reese could look into distro stuff for future issues of the zine? Just one possible idea. What else? We don't know! Once we get the first zine out we hope to have a better idea about how we can delegate tasks and get more people involved in future issues. This has definitely been a learning process.
Chiaroscuro & Inel's Report BAck
Felt like looking at the images and discussing them with Sandpiper on the last call was helpful to the process. Has found Inel's feedback/ideas and opinions of what images/photos/art/quotes should go in the zine helpful. Needs more input on that kind of thing. Wants us to speak up for what we want (image, cover art, quotes, medication haikus) in the zine and why and what we think it would go with etc. NEeds to check in with Will on how his essay is coming along. Will give him a deadline.
Inel is working on the info/resource page. Needed to know word limit. 300-500 words?
Discussion of Layout, Design, Graphics and Cover art
Discussed how creating a mock up could give us a better idea of how we want things to go together in the zine...what we are missing, what is needed, etc.
Discussed Sarafin's comic- shape doesn't lend itself well to fitting on the page. Could either do comic on two pages or run it sideways. Decided not to run it on two pages, but to try it sideways. (We will need a higher resolution file from Sarafin)
We could put Sarafin's comic sideways on one page and put the side effect haikus on the page across from it. Looked at haikus in found treasures wiki. We want to go for diversity. Want to represent the different kinds of medications and also get a number of different voices. Sandpiper had added a few other haikus in the comment section to the haikus. Some are on repeat medications. We don't have to use those. Also found a few haikus she liked on medications not already represented (Lexapro, Ritalin and Topamax).
What about making the side effect haikus into a bingo board? format them as if they were on a bingo board and use weird symbols and numbers and pictures in the boxes. Finding the medication/combination of medications that work for you is like playing a bingo game. Inel can explain this better!
Maybe Antisocialite could find little symbols and numbers and pictures for the bingo board to go with the medication haikus?
Discussed using Nightbloom's Medication Blues for cover art. Would it be strong enough to translate into black and white? Chiaroscuro thinks it would. Maybe Nightbloom has other images that we could use for cover art? We need images with high contrast that would look good in black and white and look good with words over the top of it.
Discussed using Antisocialite's Hands and the Art Of Vincent for the inside of the zine if we don't use them for cover art. Hands and Art of Vincent might lend themselves more to stand alone art in the zine. Art of Vincent wouldn't fit unless we ran it sideways. If we used Hands, it would work better as stand alone art rather than as background. Photographs would work better as background. Maybe we could use HAnds or Art of Vincent on one page and run the quotes on the adjacent page. Can text/quotes be used with Art of Vincent?
Discussed zine not being the best format to showcase stand alone art. Discussed using art pieces versus including something more practical/informative like mad maps. Discussed including a page or two on mad maps with a photo of a real mad map. Are there any photos of people's mad maps on the site? Will has one. Madigan has one in the Live Through This anthology. Any others we could use?
If we want to include mad maps and more art we could make zine 4 pages longer. Discussed this and decided to stick with our original goal. Once we get the zine completed if we really think it is missing something we can add more pages then.
Discussed Possible Layout and Flow of images/art/esssays...
Outside Cover- Nightbloom's Medication Blues Art work or other artwork
Inside Cover: intro or a blurb about the zine on half the page/ other half page open to put something
First Page: open
Second and Third Pages: Diagnosis Human by Polvora
Fourth and Fifth Pages: MAd Maps (info on and photo of one)
CENTERFOLD Sixth and SEventh pages: Sarafin's Freedom comic and Haikus
Eighth and Ninth pages: Will's Essay
Tenth page: Dionysisanddialect's Tree People Photos or other Image/Photo/Art
Eleventh and Twelfth pages: Indicator Species by Steven Smiles
Back Cover- Resources?
Next Steps
Sandpiper will write up something or find something already written about mad maps and mad map making. Will also look for a photo of a real mad map we can include. Will type up notes from call. Will connect with Reese, and Antisocialite and Catmind.
Chiarscuro will give Will a deadline for his essay and start to lay out the pages we have settled on
Inel will write up something for a intro/resource page
NExt Call Sunday January 24th @ 4:30PM PST/ 7:30PM EST
p.s. Inel & Chiaroscuro, please add anything I left out or got wrong!
I'm curious to know about
I'm curious to know about your testking 70-236 book, but not sure if it's focused on your resisting the medication, or also about the other parts of your experience. I'm interested in any and testking 70-450 all connections with blood sugar, food and bipolar. My family of origin is chock-full of people with one or more of bipolar, diabetic, hypoglycemic testking 1z0-042 and allergic diagnoses and symptoms (and lots of alcoholism too which I think is also closel testkings y related) and I have spent most of my adult life slowly getting increasing control over mood by figuring out various stuff all having to do with food--type and frequency and amounts of ingestion.testking HP0-S26