TIP Owl Meeting 3/19/08

Present:  Molly, Will, Sascha
(Sent Madigan email and text reminders)

Facilitator:  Will
Notes:  Molly

No check-ins.
Move to proceed without Madigan.
Shift non-controversial agenda items and housekeeping to top.

Can we tell Empties and proceed in getting a web editor in place to clean up site and do editoral work?  Yes.
Will try to find suitable volunteer first, may need to consider paying someone on contract in the future.  Empties/Will should create clear job description/tasks/role prior to inviting someone.

Do we have a plan to make use of Nick for Drupal work, which consists of chronic coding issues, dual registrations, bottle neck, etc?
How high of a priority is this?
Very important!  Work can’t move forward without an upgrade.
Do we have consensus to pay Nick to get registration situation resolved?
Consensus to talk with Nick about the work, offer position.
Will be paid on contract specific job-per-job basis.  Amount to be determined.
Will will write out role w/$ prior to accepting.

Mimi job descriptions and contract, Molly too.
What we pay people and what they do.

Conversations w/Mimi lately have been organizational troubleshooting, basic stuff is moving slower, like waiting to hear back from Alicia.  Doesn’t know who to check in with…needs to know liason/Will feels that needs to be a team.
All roles should have primary contact person.
Michael G. and Alex are regularly present at Fountain House.
Concerned that basics are not being covered, like stuff sent out, example—no one knew the office phone number…

Proposal:   Let’s invite Mimi to next owl call, for the purpose of checking in with all, updating folks on what she’s doing and what she needs to do it.
Molly will forward along the next meeting info.

Support@ has been forwarded to Molly to handle local group/support/ombudsperson emails.
Sascha looking at info@ emails and forwarding as needed.

Meet up on West Coast?
Hard to discuss without Madigan.

Women’s Encuentro:

(S)--Community is concerned.  People are sending support calls asking “are you ok?”  Frustrated, wants to talk, would write but it’s not appropriate.  When you create space/post provocatively you need to be responsible and respond (referring to the women’s encuentro).

(W)—Madigan put Sexual Harassment definition on the WE thread.
“Behavioral Themes” concept is still confusing.  The community is trying to move forward, by coming to us.  There’s hope this is a positive process/potentially very dangerous.

(S)—Part of me is relieved.  Putting in focus the disproportionate amount of power I hold.  I like getting knocked down from notches.  I WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!  Please talk about power dynamics.  The unspoken is way scarier.  There’s potential to be liberated around power.  Not knowing my place, I’m being quiet.

Proposal:  Collectively seek the advice of a wise elder.
Before bringing more people in we all need to be communicating better.
Individually seek council and support as needed.

If you’re gonna take charge you have to be willing to accept accountability and responsibility.

Let’s not wait a week for next meeting!
Proposed:  Owl Collective Meeting Friday 12 noon pacific.
Sascha will call Madigan and put shout out to all.  Molly will send along to Mimi once scheduled.

Will in San Francisco this weekend.
Molly going to beach (no phone or internet) either Fri/Sat OR Sun/Mon.

Carry unfinished business from proposed agenda over to next meeting.

Proposed Agenda (molly) Based on Brainstorm (will):

5-Check Ins
10-Women's Encuentro Update
Clarify process/discuss personal and community concerns
20-developing policy on ethics, grievances, safety, attacks, wellness? clarifying/affirming current policies
ombudsperson update - pending issues/grievances/conflicts?
Proposal-third-party advisor to help us in current situation?
10-Transition Team planning
10-Proposed Westcoast Meet Up 4/11,12,13?  Purpose?
10-Go over housekeeping tasks and roles - answering emails, phone, future of conference calls.  What is most pressing?
5-Reminder on travel/schedule/availability communication
5-Check out
75 mins/12-1:15pm

Paid Allies:  (update during housekeeping tasks/roles)
Prioritize contractor spending and projects in progress.
web editor/cleanup, moving forward, approve $ for nick
$ for web admin backup on forum switchover if/when happens
mimi job desc -- marketing?
navigating the space pdf? - $ for sarah?
$ for agustina for spanish translation of HRG
empties $ payment situation

web team update (review previous emails re: web stuff)

campus icarus update (was going to be communicated via email report/could be check in while going over housekeeping task/role.)

art callout on site (as above)

confidentiality agreement for website / empties?
(this seems to be a bigger conversation with all things policy-like)

All this stuff merits its own focused meeting:
Responsibility to funders
fundraising considerations and update?