Icarus Staff Call Wednesday March 28th
ash: do we want to do check-ins first?
will: yeah baby.
will: upset about seven and jeff. hoping we can use this as an opportunity for deeper changes that need to happen. i feel like i didn’t listen carefully enough or act when i should have. the piority dilemma: should i continue to rant about priorities or just have my secret priority list?
the project is great, things are going really well, it’s just how it relates to my life part – spending way too much time working on it.
we need to figure out how to deal with everyone’s burnout – what the hell are we up to? we’re going a lot of different directions, maybe we need to reel ourselves in.
maybe we need more people on board and need to put energy into finding them.
ash: had a great birthday yesterday. to-do list is outlandish and multi-faceted. i go back and forth between feeling okay and feeling totally overwhelmed. psyched about orxy and alicia and important delegating going on. wanting to make more art.
madigan: it’s my birthday!! having all that personal micro macro intensity personal new year stuff, first birthday with my new york family. a lot of my year and trauma is around how i accept love or let it in, i’m so hyperaware how this relates to my housing and projects and music, it’s a big reason why i’m committed to this project. jeff and seven stepping back has brought up my own feelings of being grateful for the project and feeling totally overwhelmed by it. anniversary of my mom’s death is always really intense for me, i think i’m getting better at taking myself out of other’s energetic fields – hub last night, nyu, fountain house office, going really well. i feel like i’ve helped a lot of people step up in nyc icarus. i think it fucks us up trying to deter disasters, but then we really need to be more receptive and honoring other people’s needs. i’m in a bikini in a bathrobe in my backyard.
will: that’s...totally..great.
ash: i totally support you in that
will: i totally support you in that
will: what? you all are out to get me!
[more laughter]
sascha: doing well. suddenly feeling healed from long stretch of burnout. the website is incredible, i’m really excited about putting more energy into the website and spending less time in the city. i’m taking notes.
Van Am proposal –
ash: it’s coming along, still need a decent amount of work.
madigan: says the language should be less intentional – more ‘this is what we’ve done’ and less ‘this is what we’re going to do’ remember the queer focus. madigan should be listed as a musican/artist
celebrate achievments – will says we should start calling the website our ‘online peer support and network’
ash: what about ‘online peer support and education network’?
sascha sez: that’s great y’all, but the grant needs to be in by monday.
it’s decided will is going to spend some hours on it and pass it back to ash and sascha
will: alright, i’ll cook up the special herbal tea for myself when we get off the call...
will: here’s the latest – scott, our consultant. i forwarded amanda’s proposal to the staff list about working for $50 an hour. scott’s fee is $35 an hour –
jeff is still checking the admin account until the end of the month
*sascha is going to start checking the admin account april 1st, and send the questions to will – triage on the account
ash wonders if we could start coordinating a campaign for recruiting volunteers
*she’s going to put up a sticky trying to recruit
spam watchers and all the other roles
*sascha will send out a collective account announcement
technical assistants to reset passwords
will is resetting the admin password.
drug guide
major turning of corners in the drug guide
its become a much better document
time line – ash and will are within a few days of having something to show the staff and then from there we’ll show it to molly and seven and alex and anyone else who’s been interested
nyu/ organizing
robert whittaker event is coming along well
the nyc hub is doing a zine for the book fair
mads is glad that alex is stepping up, feels right cause of her historic relationship with FH
sexual harrassment at FH, mads is working on next steps for discussion– steps in the name of cultural competency – ken’s partner says a lot of the clubhouses in the uk don’t have the same diagnoses policy.
important for us to continue to talk to the space
david – the student in berlin – fountain house has a whole internship project, donny lee would become the msw and elliot would be his supervisor. shared icarus/fh internship. it would be a 6th month internship in the fall.
fluidity event on monday a success – a dozen students – ‘queer pride/mad pride – but i’m a stereotype’ highlighted the need for peer ed materials
mads: great to connect with alicia – request to up hours to 10 hours a week for the next while while she sets up systems
people with office keys: alicia, us, alex, sarah(myn)
these topics got bumped to the next conversation
our workflow: re conference/events organizing (like NCOR) and collaborative writing?
borf in DC (i forgot what what was said, sorry! s)
grievance policy/volunteers
US Social Forum
Submitted by nickb on Mon, 12/15/2008 - 9:40pm