
Owl Collective Meeting
3pm-3:40 (est)

Present:  Madigan and Molly
Notes: Molly  

Agenda Brainstorm:
Report back from Women’s Encuentro Conversation-Sascha
Moving WE blog post on homepage
Transition Team Update
Community Call

Due to not all Owl Collective members present, we agreed to meet for an abbreviated period of time and focus on action items we could take on.  (*Action items in bold print.)  

Moving Women’s Encuentro Blog Post Off Website Homepage:
Consensus to immediately move WE post off homepage was reached with owls via email.  Information will be archived in open plans.  Web forum thread will remain until encuentro conversations conclude and statement is made asking for closure on thread.  *Madigan will arrange to have homepage post moved.    

Transition Team:
Madigan asserts her need to step aside/back as of 5/1/08.  At that time she will be available in a limited capacity to support transition with specific role.
We need to reconnect with Kiran about her interest and availability to work on transition team.  *Molly will connect with Kiran about how we envision supporting Icarus through transition period.  Report back on progress at next owl meeting.  

Community Call:  
*Madigan holds the intention to be on community call 4/20/08, 3pm est.
*Molly will try to be available for community call in support capacity.

Other Stuff:

Madigan has checked in with NY Icarus crew for updates.  
*She will be meeting with Elliot at Fountain House next week.

Molly got word from Will that he will not be able to attend INTAR conference in June.  Molly is uncomfortable representing Icarus without support, at this time.  *We need to clarify Icarus role/presence at INTAR immediately as travel plans now need to be made.

Proposal:  Next Owl Collective Meeting Wednesday 4/23, 3-4:30 est.