
Icarus council meeting

Will, Alex, Molly, Madigan, Michael G., Mimi, Wonkavator

90 min
Check Ins--10min
Roles, Meeting Agreements, Prioritize Agenda--10min
Review Proposal for Icarus Evolution--30min
(Discuss, clarity, feedback, roles, adjustments, who's in?  
Come to consensus to proceed or scrap it?)
Next Steps--15min
(Flow of communication and upcoming meeting schedule.)
 Financial Stuff--15min
Check Out--10min


will -- jet lag and travel and happy to be returning home after traveling a lot
michael -- busy, FH intake group, working with community center
molly -- busy, random various things, shifting gears, icarista visiting
madigan --bizarre awesome surreal life, fun, spring, community, reciprocity, media
alex -- overwhelmed, psyched to be starting structure and transition, lot going on.
mimi -- glad to be here, progress in nyc and FH


Add eddy and neil to oxford conference
postcards printing more
action camp
upcoming third sunday call
info account issue.


logistics important + packed agenda
talk about natural evolution proposal

alex -- feedback positive - have people spoken up

mimi - want to do what's proposed for me to do, talked with sascha abt working together, both on board, ready to move forward

michael - wants to work under ed and outreach

madigan - into proposal, not sure abt work group, mindful of time availability through july has to be limited to 5 hrs, feels good and important

will -- sounds good, into proposal, wondering where leaves web grp with empties not avail

michael -- nick interested in

molly -- excited conceptually about concept of proposal, feel a bit isolated, feels a bit in outer space alone, bummed abt seven but support all of us setting boundaries and getting what we need

madigan -- signatory stuff set up? also talk about info account

mimi - put paperwork in

molly - not putting paperwork in. Whose role to be financial acessing

mimi -- should we tell everyone on call what we're talking about? forms need to be filled out sent to FJC to have access to account and having checks cut, reimbursements,

will -- might make sense for more people, another nyc person

madigan -- didn't get paperwork in but not sure makes sense to spend limited time on this.

alex -- take on paperwork to become a signatory.

everyone agrees -- alex to be check signatory, getting with mimi for paperwork

alex -- talking with specificity about teams. deciding abt funding for eddy and neil, transitioning sascah info, mindful campus icarus is part of education and outreach

molly -- talked with sascha -- where campus icarus is at, report coming in from him on this. suggestion - grant campus icarus operating under -- requires end report not progress report -- write report as if progress report -- list main contacts, what roles

alex -- question -- decision making -- teams -- some small

will -- web team is about  5 people right now

will -- way worked in past balance not micromanaging with need for central council to overview. i.e. teams can't spend more than xxx dollars without approval, but have autonomy for less than that

mimi -- where are we at with budget

molly -- thinking about budget. each team should have budget of how much we spend a year, break it down and track. each working group would have it's own budget. shift with paying more people less is insignificant impact. Icarus has enough finances to operate at average normal $5k/mo til end of the year.

will -- significant reduction in hours for future transition - halfing hours

alex -- important to look at what shifts main -- people doing less, more work, dynamics going to shift around. things might lag and not go so well but we'll figure it out.

molly -- key component of proposal - have individuals focusing energy on one area and pulling in other voices/eyes/hands, looking at all the guiding documents, looking at this as a way to take original transition concept and turn it into something in 3 mos we reasses. have some documents in place for future people to follow. a lot of the How To Run Icarus document hasn't been written

will -- time

alex -- important next step -- who's going to get paid and for how much time? figuring out what that means in a concrete way

mimi -- seems like some specific proposed about that. 8-10 hrs weekly per team paid

molly - one coordinator position. if people want to job share that they can

alex -- asking about concrete numbers and when starts.

michael -- one paid person, other person is support person role Ed/Outreach -- alex in paid, Madigan as support. when does it start?

alex -- ed/outreach should talk about alex and michael working together and how to do it

molly - 8 hrs / 500 per month stipend time gets sucked away. make sure you're carrying hrs mindfully

will - start alex michael stipend for ed/outreach immediately.

Molly -- start As of 15th pro-rated i.e. half pay for May. Owls -- start previous stipend through end of may, shift June 1st.

will -- clarify that it's a 1,000 through may for previous owls

madigan -- appreciate folks - generous and kind of everyone symbolic - changing structure -- symbolism means a lot to mean personally --

mimi -- maybe first thing that can happen with working groups is that coordinators and support person could come up with a written document summarizing their tasks and how they're going to go about doing them. i.e. mimi on mailings, fh and fjc relations. a few things on each item. post on website, readily available -- people can see what's happening with moving icarus forward. important for accountability. Left hand doesn't always seem to know what right is doing. In interest of full transparency -- create these written documents. appropriate to have commitee that works on a budget.

michael -- budget is under admin/NYC working group right>

Molly -- yes  need a subgroup of Admin to be the budget committee. wants to be on it

Molly -- important to identify who is already doing things in working groups. joined group, offer consulting. I.e. jessie does accounting and good to talk with her. part of my area is paying attention to forums, look for people with skills, plug people in, connect to groups

michael -- great idea -- plugging people in from website -- under support network -- web host/liason person important. other groups can look to website. each working group could also in name of transparency we could write / keep track of who's doing what -- write progress reports weekly, monthly reports on various tasks we're involved in and doing and working on

molly -- this would fall under each working group being repsonsibility -- not create new task or report, but post their meeting notes on open plans and on site when stuff is happening.

michael --  budget -- make sense to have budget subgroup -- person from each of these teams to be on part of it --

will-- advance planning on fundraising and grant writing

molly -- should be a fundraising subgroup, but we all need to be looking in our own domains, look for grant/funding opportunities. i can think of simple $10K grant for gathering.

michael - as each group grows in volunteers, chance for more people ot be involved, consistency for 1,2 people from each team on fundraising subgroup

mimi -- so if we were to go ahead it would make sense to have coordinator for that group?

Michael -- good point -- right now only person is mimi under that.

mimi -- kieran is she interested in budget help?

molly - she's interested but really busy. her passion is curriculum development, wants to help with that realm. made herself avail as consultant volunteer re: coop/collective development structural stuff, in support, not intensive way.

will - since NYT article came out web traffic has doubled.

mimi -- bone to pick about that article, didn't know about it, rest of nyc people didn't know about it - one person showed. one person showed up and didn't know about article

michael -- what talking about -- another conversations

molly -- many issues about that article -- collective body of icarus proj has not been functioning entity lately

mimi -- flag this for later to discuss about nyt article

will-- even tho not so specific nuts and bolts this still feels like  a very productive meeting and time

mimi -- next steps around budget, grant? hold that for next time

alex -- remember this is important. How about Sun Meet?

will -- use the sunday call to talk about new evolution process?

mimi -- shortened version, here are the people here are the groups

Molly -- other thing -- this dovetails to info account -- makes sense that each work group has an email contact. let info acct be more specific.

will -- i can set this up -- also what about creating a resurrected icarus-organizers list so we can have this

everyone - set up icarus-council email list

molly -- will you talked about doing a tutorial on open plans --

alex, michael can be on community call. madigan can't make it. sky is

molly -posting shout out abt conf call

molly -- will check in with mimi about check requests -- setting up fjc with new stipend stucture

will / mimi - ok we'll meet with each other about this...

molly -- next meeting?

molly -- does icarus on weds and sun -- need consistency on when we meet.

so -- weds meets? time

everyone -- during day better -- 9am PST, 12pm EST. Weekly?