June 10th

Icarus coordinator collective meeting

Molly, Will, Eric

will - notes --

Welcome Eric to first wonkavator call

check ins

Molly - doing well, busy
Eric - also doing well, working on health issues, people around in hospital, happy to be here, creating more cohesive web experience, getting more real support happening
Will - great olympia visit, met steven dionysisudialect

Agenda --

Organizing / Media report back

will - olympia report back, met with steven who is getting local portland group re-energized and off the ground -- great olympia mad pride visit, cool people, trampolining - blog post

connecting olympia organizers with regional organizing, lots happening on west coast

update - on 2020 - abc -- haven't heard back from icarista's re- proposal to not participate on official intergalactic level

- update in forum community

molly going to remind icarista coordinators about the abc proposal -

WEB / Forums discussion

will  - should we try to move away from email list for more involvement/transparency? use forums?

- better to use organic groups

integration phpbb and drupal is an ongoing goal

nick focusing on coding and back end

organic groups / new groups/ radical mental healt contacts - confusing

web - integrating blogs?

blogs on main site -- no way to report posts, nightmare to keep up with posts.

how did spam get through? - captcha system improved. recent increase in fake account creation to post spam. First 10 posts need to be approved?

Some people not aware discussion forums exist - they're just on the main site

shifting blogs to all one place?

lots of spam on blogs

blog pages on main site -- legacy theming and navigation, all needs to be rethought

Sage advisors brainstorming

- name recognition people, engaged people who are deeply involved with community, keep in loop on decision making, adding influence, increase capacity optional committee work, big decisions like longterm media strategies -- e.g. way jonah involved. create container. Input mechanism for consulting, advice, people we rely on . Sascha's mom -- Kate Bornstein, Sort of another working. street medics, beehive collective...

comes down to database of contacts... keeping flow of information moving