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10/21/09 Fundraising Collective Call | The Icarus Project

Fundraising Focus Collective Call 10/21/09

Lots of energy on the wonkavator. 
Hello!  Hello!  People arrive laughing, connecting, wondering what if, what if...

Madigan, Eric, Annie, Will and Angel (co-facilitate), Molly (scribe)

Checking In:

Will is well.  Busy.  Back to school in Pdx.  Excited about good family news.  Finished with jet-lag.

Molly not sure how I'm doing.  Not sure what I'm doing.  Things change.

Angel is happy in new place.  Move was physically taxing, in intense pain.  Looking forward to downtime.  Excited about next steps, fundraising, new roles and nasco conf.

Annie kinda all over.  Dislocated feelings.  TO training this past weekend, mixed feelings, illuminated a lot.  Excited about fundraising par-tay.  Awesome meeting w/Anita who was dula of process and amazingly nurturing.

Madigan in a sunpool, transported.  Good to be here.  Feels collective ownership.  A lot of Bay Area TIP energy, tabling NVC conf.  More community crossover.  Excited about NY event, available to meet funders.  Health overhaul, taking care of basics.  Gratitude.

Eric doing pretty good.  Fall spell, in and out of time, who, where, what.  Concerns about things more complicated then they need to be.  Looking forward to moving towards more concrete/tangible things beyond the round and round. Create community owned community. 

Skydiving raffle.  Call made to see if company would donate. 
All sustaining memberships entered into raffle to win goofy things, big wings, sock monkey, art supplies, random things, what have you? 

Timeline for launching membership campaign November 1st. 
Annie goal for letter to past donors October 31st.  Follow up and invite to NYC event.

Make contact with ally artists to create awesome Thank You cards.

Make list for alternative ways of giving/contributing.

In appeal ask folks to pass along plea to others. 
Create generic customizable pitch letter for friends to give to friends/family.
Look into linking "inlieuofgift" through JustGive.
Use Facebook cause tool.

What is our capacity to send to email sign up + all members? 
Export field to email list.  Tricky with Facebook info.   

ARMHC has peple power to help with things like thank you's if info was accessible.
Makes more work for NYC which leads directly to database convo/needs.

PSA-Check out Salsa templates and what they can do.  Annie will send link before database call so we can discuss.

FJC can set up multiple users, able to see donos?  We have email Amanda for info which is labor intensive. 

Find out if JustGive can send info to us AND FJC. 
Eric will check w/JustGive.  Annie will check w/FJC.

Annie will create google doc for Admin Handbook w/passwords, etc.

Breaking out different aspects:

WIll consolodate info, edit writing for campaign. 

Angel will follow up on art supplies for raffle, look for prizes.  Seek artist to create Thank You cards. 

Annie excited about crafty NYC locals making things for fundraising.  Needs stats #'s from past year for donor letter.  Annie coordinating contact with past big donors, NYC event. 

Ask for support from TIP connections like Kate B, Brad L, etc.

Molly get web community involved.  Draft How To's for house parties, etc.

Madigan back up Annie, has ideas.  Reconnect w/Jeff Aaron at Fountain House. 

Carry forward OH SHIT backup plan.  Brain/Heart-storm to discuss next week.

Other thoughts while checking out:

Active push before winter energy sets in. 

Madigan, Will, Molly interested in continuing convo about advisory council and make it happen.

Keep thinking about Detroit 2010 Social Forum, rent a house (landing pad), National gathering.  

Once underway, this process will carry us through.