Icarus Collective Meeting 1/14/09

Will (facilitator), Molly (notes), Nick, Michael, Mimi

Web Update:
In process of moving all from phppd to drupal forums.  Recreating features.  Need to create trial.  Nick is open to answer questions about Organic Groups.  Use organic groups as alternative to open plans.  Post notes/wiki section. 
Heads up to post to community of changes/additions to site.  Return link to chat room on homepage.  Need new mods/Nick invited.  Support new moderators. 
Question about settings for google search of organic groups and blog posts ?
*Nick will talk with Mimi about check issues. 

*Proposed phone interview for Tuesday between 3-5pm
In person interviews being held Friday 1/16/09
Hiring Committee meet/discuss applicants Friday 1/23
Recommendations to all coordinators before 1/28 meeting.
Shoot for 1/26 for 2nd interviews/via phone with recommended candidates.
*Will agreed to send thanks for applying email to applicants we won’t be interviewing.  Use letter from last time/access applicants in gmail/note those not being interviewed.

Fountain House Relations:
Casey/Michael met 1/14, flushed out more specifics.  Formal ideas include coming in 2-3 days a week.  Presentations to different individual units.  Proposal is both for us and to assert our commitment to FH. 
Thank you notes for retreat went out to key people.  Michael will distribute the rest to other people who supported retreat. 
Talk to Andrew—he wants to help out. 

Will summarized (sent email) info about follow up with Sascha funders. 
Mimi and Will will meet. 
*Need to schedule fundraising meeting and identify volunteers to sit on committee. 
Storefront has auction capacity.  Idea to solicit members to donate art for auction.
Consider schwag.  Mad love t-shirts are popular. 
*Molly will sketch out Mad Love campaign to launch along with membership drive.
Also put the word out on website and generate interest from members/volunteers.

Support Network:
Talking with organizers around the country.  Connecting local groups with other local groups.  Mad Tea Party planning summer trip to NYC wants to learn/share/collaborate on workshop.  Reaching out to local group organizers to be present and move into rotated facilitation on monthly calls. 

Michael met with Annie re: Campus Icarus 1/13—Organizing drama therapy in Feb, Sebrina event in collaboration with LGBT group, April participating with “conscious kids” and holding Holistic Health Fair.  Stephanie (friend of Annie) wants to intern at Fountain House, may be able to work as a bridge between FH/TIP.  Annie connecting with Donnie Lee to collaborate on campus initiatives with FH Headstrong. 

Mimi followed up with Defiance Ohio-Internet release fundraiser out in March/record out in April.  Talked about putting TIP mission on cd/7in? and potential artwork. 

Heads up to all:  Please respond and sign off on all official reports etc, every single time. 

Next meeting:  1/21/09
Michael will facilitate & Mimi will take notes.