Present on Call: Will, Sandpiper, Chiaroscuro, Antisocialite, Inel
Discussion included...
- Personal check-ins.
- Check in on Reese.
- Report Backs
- Feedback for Will
- Next steps
Report Backs
This is what folks have been working on since the last call...
Inel added quotes and a Teslacoiled piece to the Found Treasures wiki. Also connected with Reese.
Chiaroscuro didn't get medication haikus into wiki yet, but started pulling the ones she thought would be good to include in the zine. Connected with Will on his piece. Internet has been down so hasn't been able to work on layout and design yet.
Antisocialite organized/catagorized zine submissions by genre and added new images to the gallery. Pointed out that the gallery is just for organizing images right now rather than storing high resolution versions of the artwork.
Feedback for Will on his Submission
Will's essay fills 5 zine pages right now. Chiaroscuro is confident she can work with Will to get it down to 3 pages with room for quotes and graphics on those pages too.
Next Steps
The short list of pieces to include fills 9 pages. We talked about doing 16 pages. We've got enough text. Now we need to pick graphics and cover art. Which images are jumping out at folks? Think about what images will work well with the articles on the shortlist and the layout of zine. We need to pick art/graphics/photos for backgrounds to articles and for fillers.
Where can we find the classic Icarus images such as the ones used in the Friend's Make the Best Medicine guide? The web art gallery and flyer and graphics gallery on the Icarus Home Page should have them. Whatever we can't find in the web gallery, Will may be able to find the files for on his hard drive.
The Art of Vincent & Antisocialite's Hands were suggested for cover art. Photo of the Barbed wire fence also jumped out. Icarus arrows from 2004/2005 postcard were also suggested and using some details in bigger art pieces as fillers. How about winged things and flying things?!
Also discussed using some of the graffiti images from the Writing on the Wall forum thread. Would need to convert to black and white.
Talked about using quotes from quotes thread. Cool quotes of Icaristas. How do we want to lay these out? Sprinkle them throughout the zine or put them all together on one page? Using quotes could help give people a feel for the Icarus community and might work well with some of the images.
Idea suggested to have a web version in color and a black and white version for downloading and printing out.
Chiaroscuro will make a mock up of everything we are putting in the zine so that we can print it out and see how it looks on paper.
Will will be a back up person to help and can try to locate classic icarus images for us that we can't find on the site.
We all will start thinking about a name for the zine!
Inel will work with Will on an information/welcome/resource page for the zine that will tell folks who we are and give information on other guides and how to get them etc.
Sandpiper will check in with Catmind to see how she is coming along with editing the pieces on the short list.
Antisocialite will continue find images to go with Diagnosis Human and Indicator Species. Will find or create image for Nightbloom's Zyprexa Coffee Cups
Next Sunday's Call (1/3) is tentative depending on whether or not Chiaroscuro is able to get the layout up for everyone to see.
Thanks everybody!