Submitted by sandpiper on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 10:19pm
Community Conference Call Notes 5/17/09
Shared Facilitation: Sandpiper & Inel
Notes: Inel + invitation to all to add on
Present: Bmad/SF, Rocky/DC, Inel/Asheville, Tessa, Nathan, Brad/Seattle, Sandpiper/NC, After, MCP, Suduri/OH, Angel/NYC, Will/OR
Representing members of the organizing collective, local groups, long time forum community members & new to the community members. Yeah!
Personal check ins!
(People share who they are, where they are calling from and involvement in Icarus)
Rocky wants to connect with Icaristas in DC area.
Here's the DC group thread.
Bmad in San Francisco heading to APA counter demo, protest, celebration with other Icaristas, BARMHC, MindFreedom folks. There will be speakers, guerilla theatre, the future lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted (like MLK said to these folks in another time), Mad Pride, great celebration! 1-5 Footage will be taken and shared with mainstream media.
Actions like this can inspire others to hold similar events elsewhere.
Gratitude and support from all! With you in spirit!
Proposed agenda/questions for community:
Since Newsweek article, there are more media opportunities coming as a result.
What do the mainstream media need to know about TIP, our experiences, our movement?
Messaging & talking points?
How do people feel about the exposure and expanding community?
How can we continue to support one another, handle & sustain growth?
Will adds the need to strengthen site capacity.
Madigan suggests putting our seasonal blog posts on the About page.
Will-Since the Newsweek article a number of media requests have come in. Many have been passed off to local group organizers. A TV piece, like 20/20 is exciting and scary. Unsure what the angle is, maybe Mad Pride. Interesting dialog happening around this. Considering pros/cons, no control over spin. There are different perspectives about participating in mass media. Need to focus message and cooperate with other radical mental health groups. How do we best mobilize the movement?
Sandpiper-Who decides if we go on 20/20?
Will-Great question! Intergalactic collective coordinators are still discussing how TIP wants to be involved. Local groups and individuals can decide how they want to be involved and the opportunity has been shared with others in the radical mental health movement beyond TIP.
Angel-Getting the exposure is positive.
After-Any noise we could make is good.
MCP-Any time dealing with major media it gives opportunity to be exposed.
Brad-Seattle group has been talking about this on a local level with opportunity to be on local news radio. Important to form a solid unified vision and weigh the risk with the opportunity.
Re: Site Growth & growth causing stress.
After-Noticed that with more people coming needing support there are more people to offer support.
Sandpiper-On site 2 years. Influx of new people right now. Happy to provide alternative resources for people reaching out and is excited. Other side is that TIP has been a sanctuary. How do we keep a safe space when being more open/exposed? Concerns about being identified and fear of being bounced out.
Brad-Relates to what Sandpiper said. Noticed recently purpose to spread info as cohesive entity and world becomes more integrated whole when we move out of our comfort zones.
Will-Appreciation for current mod crew. Need to consider capacity of mods, coordinators, and include more volunteers.
Inel-Check out the Get Involved forum to see the working group break down. You can email supportATtheicarusprojectDOTnet to get connected to a working group in your interest area. Also, right now TIP is seeking a forum admin to job share web working group coordination with Nick. If you're interested in media opportunities, being a part of the ongoing dialog about messaging, etc. get a hold of willATtheicarusprojectDOTnet or sign up to join the media/publications organic group.
MCP-To accommodate growth, be ready for it. In the site environment, noticed people who post create a climate of actual tolerance.
Sandpiper-Noticing new people welcoming other new people. Cool.
Nathan-Agrees with Brad. Expanding influence compared to how we may emotionally feel. Opportunity to bring more people into the fold.
Will-There are so many different sides. Great conversation happening. Keep safety and support. There is a lot of input and participation. Need to create balance.
Rocky-Finding community of shared experience even online, in books, resources is a great comfort. Feeling rootedness. I’m not alone, empathy/compassion well received. Get word out more, reach more people like me. Excited to find network and community of support.
After-Excited about new publicity and reaching more people who may think mainstream is their only hope.
MCP-Interested in how many are starting to question mainstream mental health right now. Publicity has risks but raises consciousness and helps in long run.
Sandpiper-Appreciates everyone’s thoughts and perspectives. Remembering when first joined site, enthusiasm and how it saved life.
Tessa-Thanks all! Amazingly inspired. We’re really doing something. Media will reach people and help folks feel less alone.
and the meeting ends with a collective sound and howl out!