A number of folks in NY are meeting regularly to coordinate the development of Campus Icarus. We'll be keeping everyone informed of what we're up to by posting notes both here and on our Google Group site.
It would be AWESOME if those who aren't in the NYC area contribute online with feedback, commentary, etc! This should be a far-reaching collaboration and we look forward to continuing to expanding our network and fostering wide-spread community participation.
Also, if you're interested in being on our "listserv", please join our Google Group!
* Group name: Campus Icarus Organizers
* Group home page: http://groups.google.com/group/campus-icarus-organizers
* Group email address: [email protected]
If you're interested in receiving a "seed packet" once the printing of materials is complete (early September 2009), send an email with your name, school, and address to: campus(at)theicarusproject(dot)net.