Call Notes 5/6/09

Madigan checked in individually prior to call. 
Appreciating all.  Limited email right now.

Mimi (facilitating), Will, Michael, Angel, Annie, Molly (notes)

Working Group Check Ins:

Will/Media Publications:
Newsweek article out.
Concerns from individual who's art was posted. 
Newsweek contacted and removed that particular art. 
No contact made w/other artists.  Site is creative commons.
Will will attempt to track down and contact other artists included in article if able.
New translation volunteer for German Harm Reduction Guide.
Brainstorming publications.
Met w/Liz WRL re: donor appeals.
NYC trip-Great to see everybody, including Sascha! 

Internet access more regularly/more stable place.
Solidifying position and defining job share and how it overlaps w/Campus.
Face to face w/HipHop Mental Health people.  Working on partnership.
Spoke w/Ashley re: Trauma Transformation Reader.  Suggests plugging in local groups into project/coordinate submissions for this.
WireTap article-collaborating w/Annie and Angel on round table style article.  A back and forth on what edu/outreach/rad mad movement, tools we use in story based strategy framework.

Angel/Campus Outreach:
Amazing Week!  Met Will.  Position solidifying. 
Met w/campus folks, students, Brad, for visioning and strategizing.  Make place alumni.  Modeling to other campuses. NYU's position is to deny peer support groups/how to overcome this? 
Bake Sale at Defiance Ohio show Thursday 5/7, Clare speaking.

Echoes what others on team have already said. 
Training/orienting/connecting Angel w/campus contacts.
Excited to collaborate w/Michael and round table article for WireTap.
Creating next steps. 

Molly/Support Network:
Work has been hindered by lack of access to computer w/documents & files. 
Heads up to folks on site about newsweek article and to be welcoming presence as increase in people join the site as a result.
Next community call sunday 5/17 suggested topic feedback on Friends Make the Best Medicine Guide.
Recent interview in regional free paper, ROOT, comes out this week.  Icarus and ARMHC featured in 2 page spread.  Talking points from Will were helpful for this. 

APA protests in SF coming up.  BARMHC participating. 
Will will circulate info and post info on site about it. 

Question of how to proceed w/Admin opening.  Current mods not interested.
Nick will continue to do tech work, split job with other(s).  Open to trial period.
Brainstorm allies and past TIP people for discussion next week. 
There is overlap w/support network as web liasons working w/mods. 
Need for web editor. 

Mimi/Distro & Admin:
Busy week.  Important meetings happening. 
Moving ahead w/Tues meetings, goal setting and support.
Casey working in conjunction.  Wants to network w/other local group organizers. 
Developing talking points, guide/doc created.   Make leaflet to train others to speak at events.  Clare speaking at show tomorrow. 
Input from Liz (WRL) working on 50k in 6 weeks will help with our own major member drive and create infastructure for fundraising. 
Email box exploding.  Expect forwards from info account. 
Smart Meme is exciting!!!    
Check Outs:
Great work!  Busy!  Fun! 
Appreciation!  Good stuff! 
Moving forward!
Sending BIG HUG and love to Madigan!