On November 13-16, 2008 the National Icarus Coordinators went on an organizational retreat at High Point Farm.

You can view the image slideshow from the retreat here.


  • Mimi
  • Madigan
  • Molly
  • Sascha
  • Nick
  • Michael
  • Will


Thursday Evening - Dinner Gathering

  • Invite Icaristas past/present/future!
  • 4-6 Help cook, set up space
  • 6-9 Meet and Greet at Surreal Estate

Friday - Connecting / creating space for dreaming big

  • 9am Meet at Fountain House
  • 9:30-10:30am Tour/ Discussion/ Meet FH people
  • 11:30 – Leave FH, Review agenda / modify as needed during transit
  • 1:30- 2:00 Arrive at farm, chore orientation / settle in
  • 2:30 Lunch, Opening ritual / intentions / gratitude
  • 3:30 Walking together, finding common rhythms
  • 4:30 Chores
  • 5:30 Training for Change Team Types Activity (Medicine Wheel, Working Styles)- Madigan
  • 6:30 Dinner
  • 7:30 Appreciative Inquiry: Mapping past/ present/ future, Timeline of accomplishment.
    • Where have we been? Where are we? Where do we want to be?


  • 8:30 Breakfast & agenda review
  • 9:30 Chores
  • 10:00 Icebreakers / Check in
  • 12:00 Education/ Outreach Evaluation and Discussion- Michael G.
    • What’s working? What could work better?
    • Defining and focusing our work
    • Fountain House relationship
  • 1:00 Lunch
  • 2:00 Campus Icarus Evaluation and Discussion- Annie
    • Update on events past, present, future, review fliers and materials
    • Defining relationship between organizing collective and Campus Icarus
    • Update on student volunteers and what their role has been
    • Hiring a new organizer
  • 3:00 Lessons from the Womens Encuentro
  • 4:30 Chores
  • 5:00 Our mission, shared vision and values
    • Brainstorm “What is the Icarus Project?”, chart our responses on a collective poster project
  • 6:30 Dinner
  • 7:30 Media Evaluation and Discussion
    • What’s working? What could work better?
    • Define and give focus to media work
    • Discuss publication proposal submitted to the collective
    • publication priorities/ distro plan/ merch design
  • 8:30 Review Sunday agenda


  • 8:30 Breakfast & Chores
  • 10:00 Evaluate Working Group Structure
    • What’s working? What could be better?
    • Try to cluster ideas for improving the structure into proposal(s)
  • 11:30 Flow of information/ Website/ Database/ Organic Groups Tool/ Database- Nick
    • Feedback from Web Working group
    • Define and focus web team work
    • Demonstrate progress on data collection in drupal
    • Show how organic groups could work with the campus icarus site and for local groups
    • answer questions about other icarus tech tools
  • 1:00 Lunch and BREAK
  • 3:00 Intergalactic Community Conference Call
  • 4:00 Chores
  • 5:30 Budget Process Review & Feedback
    • Funding brainstorm- how can we diversify our fundraising sources to put the power back in the grassroots?
    • Fundraising as organizing strategy
  • 7:00 Dinner
  • 8:30 Hiring Discussion
  • 10:00 Assign Chore Teams for clean up


  • 8:30 Breakfast and Chores
    • Laundry
    • Clean Up
    • Packing
  • 10:30 History of Community Acupuncture and group treatment
  • 12:00 Follow the leader game and closing ritual