Submitted by nickb on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 5:45pm
+ Positive
- Voting rights of mad ones statement written and posted on website before the election
- Neil and Eddy attended 1st global conference on madness
- NYC local attended social justice conference in Binghamton
- NYC local group re-ignited after months of prep work
- Launched outreach event for NYC local
- Madigan and Eddy helped with AK press event on mental health
- New life in the office due to the new working group structure and ways for volunteers to plug in
- Fountain house literary journal collaboration
- Halloween party at fountain house with NYC local
- Hiring process in full swing, interviews with lots of great folks
- Surreal estate dinner and meeting with national organizer collective and local volunteers, lots of people came!
- New volunteer energy and talk about another potential art show project
Δ Needs improvement
- Communication between local, office and national collective (folks in office not aware or prepared for publishing of NY Times article)
- *blog post should be posted about the resurgence of the nyc local
- Resources tend to be consolidated for nyc folks, need to spread the love
- Campus, local group and campus icarus groups could collaborate more
- Culture of appreciation around rebuilding projects, letting go of baggage from what hasn’t happened or has happened differently then how originally imagined
- Campus workshop curriculum not complete yet
- Need a new plan for fountain house relationship
- Campus work needs more support and connection
- Connect more with our allies and those who want to be involved in building relationships at FH, NYU, etc
- Using proposals to move forward instead of just discussion
- Could partner with a unit at FH and do an ongoing series of events
- Not having clear report-backs
- Need to cultivate culture of checking in and thus be able to show appreciation for work
- Maybe should share stakeholder feedback in a monthly newsletter
- Newsletters can be made easily, drafts can be shared
- Power politics at FH and accessibility of new people (esp. women) being able to break into relationships there
- Icarus open house?
- Regular lunch at FH
- Model non-hierarchical relationships in our dealings with others, at FH and elsewhere in the world
- Collaborate with Northampton folks