The black man is a white man
Is a man in the dark
There is a pill for recession
But open your heart
I'm bleeding indigo and lace
Put on lavender cream
turn to face white
dictation, sojourn nation
There is nowhere to hide here
You can chase away the people
In your theatre of fears
Setting the stage of global glob
I know the sun Is rising
How depressing
The moon is smiling
She's wasted
Powdered in white
A halo of mist
The rain in your fist
As oceans lullabies
Turn enemies to allies
We turn our oily hands
And massage their faces sweetly
Oh dignity!
No emotion to describe the pain
Of returning to the same place again
America the man
America the woman
Don't lock up their cheer
Don't forget to hear
In the intonation of a unit nation
Forward is the price
It is right it is wrong
The indians see the future goes back
Beyond cars and television
We need no supervision

