I don't make enough sense.

I can get too intense.

I'm easily mislead.

I tend to live inside my head.

I'm just enough off the charts to be considered "that one".

So I'm a little in the red, but not by a ton.

So then why in this world with so much chaos

Do people like me get such terrible pay-offs?

I don't want to murder, I don't want to kill!

I have dreams in this world that I'd love to fulfill!

But when I get looked at that way, it's hard to get by,

The thoughts in my head are hard to subside.

In eyes I see that look of distaste,

and without a beat I make a move with haste

to leave the situation without a scene

wondering why all must be so mean

Those looks fill my heart with feelings of mistrust

Into my heart a knife must thrust!

Right now, right this very second!

Because it's in my head and i can't second guess it!

Live for the moment and be who you are!

But, even if that You will take it that far?...

No, no, that's not right! Down that road you mustn't go!

that makes your loved ones filled with woe!

You can't do that, it's wrong!

Even though people live way too long!

Let's rule out the natural selection

and bring on in the mass confection

of pills and tubes and breathing machines

so grandpa can tell us of all the old queens!

And the quality of life will go down with the length

but money will be made with medicine's increase in strength!

No matter where you are a pill won't be too far

just drive down the right block with enough money in your car.

fiending for benzos, even some adderal

you can feel the burning in your abdominal wall

ising and rising while itching for the dope

that all the good doctors will give you to cope,

when with one simple motion; just one exerted chop--

one second you're listening, and the next, it all stops.





Why I picked this

My thinking is that it's very Dr. Seussy in a dark way, and would be cool paired with drawings by TeslaCoiled...