Quotes found in Quote Blog: https://site.icarusprojectarchive.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12497&postd...
I particularly like the ones from longtime forum members and voices of Icarus elders & vision keepers.  The thread also contains some gems from more famous folks.  These are some of my favorites. 
“The potential for lunacy as a potent weapon against evil is huge.”  Xenobia

"Mutual aid... do we have a choice? I mean, who else will put up with our shit? So we're in this together, like it or not."  Empties
"Be brave when it suits you. Be scared when you must. Please learn to ask for help when you need it and a safe space within which to fall apart every now and then. Most importantly, take care of each other and learn how to better take care of each other."  Empties

"Ah, fear of being labelled crazy for saying what you really think or expressing what is really inside. Such a fucking shit fingertrap of a thing. Keep it in, go crazy, let it out, go crazy. Sometimes I just think fuck it, go crazy."  Flip
“Keep yourself safe, and maintain a sense of flexibility. Don't give your life to a grand scientific experiment. Something wonderful might occur in your future, and you need to be here to experience that.”  room42
About the Icarus Project web forums and roll call:  “It feels like coming to a communal livingroom sometimes, a huge room with nice soft couches for conversing on, scattered armchairs for people how want to be alone with their thoughts, a little space for people to stand when they want to address something to everyone, and books and music and pictures everywhere. i like it here, even when everyone is in a bad mood or hurting. because someone else is always in the room to listen.”  Babblefish

“I refuse to trade my large spectrum of emotions for a dull range of acceptableness. I refuse to give up my creativity and interconnected web of thoughts in for a monochrome of focus. I refuse to give up orgasms that burst with light or howling under the full moon. I refuse to ignore that there is something gravely wrong with the world around us. and the system that determines how healthy we are that sustains this global toxicity. I refuse to be silent as children are being locked away and forced medicated at an early age. I refuse to believe that I am the one that is sick, when clearly there is something wrong with the systems we are forced to not only live in, but help sustain. I refuse to believe that there is something wrong with me just because they don't understand.

I know that we suffer as well as cause suffering when we are out of control. Yet there has to be a better way than this system in place. It's just not good enough.” Mina circa 2007, "i don't want to be normal" thread
“Beyond the dangers of the drugs the psych industry pushes, the most toxic substance they peddle is fear and mistrust of the self”  Chiaroscuro 

And from extended Icarus Member/Ally/Advisors:

"All the world's great civil rights movements have sought to harmlessly break some cultural bully standard. And all the outlaws who survived those civil rights movements have learned an important lesson. We understand that we can be outsiders and be miserable about it, or we can be outsiders and enjoy the fuck out of ourselves until we're old and weird and happy just being our geeky, freaky, outlaw selves. Understanding that is how we stay alive in a world that doesn't like who or what we are, what we look like, who we love, or how we act."  Kate Bornstein,  Hello Cruel World

"Whatever definition of normal is used, the fact is that this type of behavior -- what is called normal -- is in itself one of the most dangerous forms of behavior ever seen on earth. the obedience, the consumption, the unquestioning approach, the violence..."  David Oaks