At the last meeting we talked about whether or not we think diagnostic labels help us see patterns without putting us in a box or becoming a self fulling prophecies. There was some awesome responses about this question!

Some other questions I really want to hear people's opinions on are;

1) How do we take care of each other and ourselves?

2) What are our options when we or someone we know seems to be going into crisis?

Will Answer

I will answer this straighforward:


1) How do we take care of each other and ourselves? By doing good.

2) What are our options when we or someone we know seems to be going into crisis?  Give them a helping hand.


These answers are easier to said than done.

Alton Detlefs

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there will be an icarus

there will be an icarus meeting JK0-015 at 6633 ellis ave s. (just up the street from squid and ink) on tuesday, april 7th, at 7 PM. i was hoping we could have a 1Y0-A09 brainstorming session about a possible presentation at the seattle anarchist bookfair this fall, put on by left bank books. hope to see some 642-972 new faces :)there will be an icarus meeting at 6633 ellis ave s. (just up the street from squid and ink) on tuesday, RH302 april 7th, at 7 PM. i was hoping we could have a brainstorming session about a possible presentation at the 1z0-043 seattle anarchist bookfair this fall, put on by left bank books. hope to see some new faces :)

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well guys

I really feel like I'm fucking up but I'm not exactly in crisis...I'm straddling a line, and can't figure out what the fuck to do for myself, but it's 2:04am in the morning and I could just go to sleep (maybe) and trust that this will all be better when I get up tomorrow but it doesn't feel like that's how it's gonna go down.

I have stupid fucking problems man. I don't fucking get how I can do so well for a minute and then feel like it's all shot to hell because of unexpected mood shifting shit. BLARGH!

K, I'm done ranting. Sorry guys, I hope this wasn't out of bounds. I'm just kind of freaking out but I'm almost sure I'll be okay...soon...mad love...I know I could use some. Another hard day of less than 13 hours...sigh...

so now, I bounce the important questions back at you due to my inability to answer them sufficiently myself: how do we take care of each other and ourselves? And what are our options when we or someone we know seems to be going into seems to be where I'm headed at the moment, case in point. *grimace*

PS I'm better!

No longer on the verge of crisis anyway. Life is hard but there are still many good things even in the dark and difficult times, and you icaristas are part of that good, so thank you! Sorry I didn't clarify that I'm better before now. I've been in a rough, mostly high, and self-centered place for a few days. I'm working on it though...

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1: I think it's important to

1: I think it's important to maintain contact with people you are close to, and actively seek reliable grounding. I know when I start to go into "crisis" I start to cut contacts and try to just disapear; so for me, it's neccesary to always be of the mind to aim for stability and awareness of where I am at mentally/psysically. To do this I find I need to have a healthy social web set up, or at least one safe connection. Also, along with that comes nutrition and exercise. Monumentally important. I've experienced a total crash after I stopped eating right and being physically active, felt it in every aspect of my life.

2: I think just being a good listener is paramount. Sometimes I feel like that's all I need, someone to listen to me ramble nonsense until I figure it out. It just helps having another person there, even if they have nothing to say. I believe everyone can benefit from having an open ear, whether in crisis or not. The importance of having a (healthy) place to vent is so often overlooked.   I know it's not much, but that's all I can muster.. I'm not sure how else to be effective in helping.




you're awesome. I feel like an idiot for posting my rant and then reading your much more enlightened post. I hear what you're saying about nutrition and exercise, I think they have a bit to do with where I'm currently at. I took a downturn since I saw you at folklife. But it was cool hanging with you while we did!

You write with wisdom. It's refreshing. Mad love,


Hey Reuben. I gotta second

Hey Reuben. I gotta second what Nathan has to say and add that with these mood changes it is also important to remember that everything passes. What we feel one moment is not what we will feel forever. I may be lonely or sad or depressed or angry right now in this moment but it may not be how I will feel tommorow or the day after that or a month from now or a year ahead etc... Understanding that this moment is temporary and arming yourself with defenses against distressing mood states is important. Ask yourself what do you need right now? Try to give yourself what you need. Staying in touch with friends is important. You are not alone in this. You can reach out and call any one of us. We are here for support. So use the phone tree if you need it. We've got your back!

When I am going into crisis I also try to make a plan. If I can feel myself going that way, I plan how I will deal with it. Kinda like a fire escape plan. I think for a lot of us balance is really important. If you have been spending too much time around others and not getting enough time to yourself then you may need to plan alone time. If you haven't been reaching out, plan to spend time with a friend. Call someone, I would be more than happy to go for a walk with you or talk. Ask yourself where you are exerting your energy. Work is necessary and important but when you aren't working...maybe you could plan some self care time into your day. Do something you really enjoy, treat yourself to something that you don't ordinarily do.....

Everyone is different. Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for being human. Write out how you feel if you can't talk about it. Do some art around it. Or simply distract yourself for a while. It will pass my friend.

Take care.
