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03-18-09 Icarus Coordinator Conference Call Notes | The Icarus Project


Icarus conference collective call

madigan will mimi molly nick angel

Proposed Agenda (add/subtract as needed):

Personal Check Ins

Working Group Check Ins (including but not limited to):
Edu/Outreach-FH follow up
Campus-Orientation needs
Distro/Admin-Bank Acct update, "free" stickers on site?
Media/Pubs-Spring Blog Post
Support Network-community call report back
Web Forum/Mod Issues-proposed changes to community guidelines/rants
Proposal-add 1/2 hour weekly on web forums to core responsibilities for all coordinators
Fundraising Update/Plan/Next Steps


molly - intense energy, good spring changes
will - doing well, coming down from full moon, visiting family soon
angel - winter break in florida, relaxed + recharged, back on internet tomorrow
madigan - in san francisco, staying grounded, web difficulties helping clarify boundaries, working on music
mimi - moving slowly, wonkavator echoing, lots going on, sorting out distro systems
nick - feeling good - lots to do, moving into new place

Fountain House

Angel - no feedback yet on proposal, working on communication with this

wellness or education unit as home place for Icarus at FH?

please feedback to proposal - send by beginning of next week

madigan - prioritize where the space is. confusing issues are around program issues -- Icarus not a program of FH -- never been part of why we're there. great there is a connection to education, but bring annie in with or without michael move forward with the space issue. Go in, look at spaces, immediate issue is transitioning to new space - empower people in ny to do this in next 2 weeks.

madigan need to talk with each other about working together, wellness policy, jobsharing. Annie interested in jobsharing role. ed/outreach

will - do we want to finalize annie hiring possibility

mimi - a lot of work to orient annie / new person. making meetings happen need person power that might not be there.

mimi - distro space - building at bleeker street / war resisters league where claire works where icarus local meetings are -- office cubicle is opening up, IVAW moved to new space - potentially short term or long term icarus could use it. IVAW paying like $100/mo incl use of copy machine. good to separate ideological/program with FH from our office space need. also convenient bc very near NYU campus - where icarus local is, more traffic to that part of town -

will - good option let's look into it to see if it's possible

will - are we doing spring retreat gathering of coordinators? not on agenda but popped into my head

molly - consensus on making an offer to annie and delegate responsibilities around it. concerns about orientation. annie more in the know since been doing work so

will - let's hire annie but also be careful about not burdening people power resources, could help communication at fh and help nyc situation

angel - could be great to get campus icarus organizer on board. also moves towards collective feel

madigan - angel are you comfortable meeting with annie. move forward with annie. Also good to move forward with WRL possibility. also use 3 mos assessment evaluation for people. access policies and procedures around work.

molly - will post in organizational organic group a new section with all policies in one place incl 3 mos asessment part of job description.

madigan - does it formally start april 1st?

molly - consense on hiring her, write up offer, angel meet with her personally

will - procedurally make sure michael has sign off on consensus

mimi -- brainstorm work plan and tasks for annie

angel - on return to nyc more available in schedule

mimi -- she will put together draft of proposal to annie for job share offer after meeting that angel mimi annie hopefully michael will have


madigan - consensus to 30 min/week for coordinators to be on the site as part of job description

mimi - direction on what it would look like

molly - happy to support you around that

angel -- also me get clarification on that

will - not really homework but 30 min of reading also, stay aware of forums in general make it natural and organic part of what we do

molly - make forums easy and organic part of what already doing

angel - confirmation from hunter for health and wellness fair table

mimi - stickers? is there something on site offering free stickers?. almost out of Friends zines.

got $5K mystery grant from NYCT trust, other $ stuff in good shape

paypal with defiance ohio  - they are receiving icarus donations with their own paypal account

will - good for us to talk to easthampton savings bank

mimi - did someone already set up a pay pal account with freedom center? not clear bc when tried to set up account couldn't do it.

mimi -- sending updated budget when sorts out numbers

angel -- leaves call to catch flight back to NYC

nick - talking about splitting coord position

molly - huge fan of jobsharing, but confused about process for this and how we do it. candidate amazing but what is process for hiring people, consensus, etc

nick - wanted to see if was interested b4 bringing up, not sure which to do first. allready doing a ton of stuff related to this. seems fair to split $500

madigan  - is it split stipend or volunteer, how does self-selection work here. good to get our procedures sorted out around this. good for web working group to be more empowered and jobshare within them

madigan - situation with tic + attacks on members. reg agreement says no attacks. guidelines suspended in rants and rages but

will - agree, situation is where policies are not clear and moderators can't agree then someone from coords needs to help with that decision

molly -- mods are new.   right now not tight crew of moderators. not clear to me how moderators mod -- empties did lots of things on his own. lot of hole has never been replacing that. Having someone in that role would be great. As result of this community got really involved, this weekend call was all about it -- community stepped forward in a big way. let's capitalize on that momentum, esp for stuff related to site. Use polls more often. Good turnout of call.
will - any decision on hiring let's involve mods and make it collaborative decision

molly - thread on site regarding this. s

madigan - next step - support web work group, nick jobshare, make it transparent, not overlook mods who may be interested, put proposal out there. Consensus to move ahead, need role Empties used to have.

will - good to check in with people privately also so they have opportunity to speak up if they want to.

molly - not sure if paid position might affect people's interest.

madigan - nick can you pm people to discuss this possibility?

molly - feeling burned out, sheer hours on site, sending private messages, feeling hurt it's not noticed. work of community, people stepping up in community not being noticed.

note - blog post information - need to follow up on this.


Molly - heads up, open eyes to appreciation, wrote fountain house document. appreciation not happening

mads - glad to see community step in around recent community difficulties with tic

changing ban language -- more like take a break etc.

rants and rages -- what is status of this forum and the guidelines for it, we need to clarify it is not an anything goes forum, it is a dfifferent looser guidelines

madigan == support transformative justice model, valued member of community, focus on behavior not person

sticky in the moderator forum / organic group with everyone's contact information would empower moderators to get in touch with every. having more people moderators can access.