Mins from:
Owl Collective 3/26/08 11am - Noon PST

molly / will: facilitate
madigan: notes
sascha present

(Check Ins- notes not taken).

Forum conflict Resolution on forum  ie WE thread
(W) policy, mediated by email on past created more hurt, not wise to use email/forum to mediate, do something abt tech communication, need ave's to be heard, know where boundaries are
(S) personal post on sex & power, groundrules posted by spinygrl, wants to know where line is
W interpersonal conflict
M agree policy in place but doesn't see reflection on themes
W not in spirit of community guidelines, need feedback not personal
M who does it apply to how/why, explore heart of it, policy is bigger/codes/ethics or what do we do abt WE in particular, moderators flame as well ...
W org clarity on agreement on sticking to policy, felt no support w/ seven conflict, grievences put thru forum doesn't feel right

/Zuni post ask for clarity at, WE asking for thread to close soon.
W was concensus for carey stepping back there? wellness policy
S Rm42/gender dynamics/but other stuff really important?
how ppl come into & out of the project. is madigan accountable to carey's being asked to leave the project.
W one sided perspective on forum, feels self justifying, forum puts up hall of mirrors, lots of miscommunication, safe place/true authentic
M needs assessment/capacity inventory when ppl come into out of working with project, need feminist analysis/alliedship from collective leadership
sascha needs to lv at hour
M need to see positive thru hardship. watching process, if had opp to talk w/ old org abt experiences,
W whats the effect? basically positive and productive, challenge power imbalances - need policy to address
M policy w/out accountability doesn't mean squat, policy that is unclear & doesn't work for most is not good
W need crew of ppl of accountability & direct communication
M also feel strongly structure needs to connect, container not just ppl w/ accountability
W inspiration/vision/wildness/trust crazy spirit in tension or tandem w/ policy/roles/accountability
M key is no longer story abt a boy & his father. need more than the male narrative.
W should we change name of org
M myth to be transformed. what if icarus lived.? where/how.
M from star to multiplicity
Mads request for male/wider community encuentro to explore posted themes. mimi has been point person in immediate
Molly purpose to encourage reflection on general themes in lives & specific to TIP, join in caucus all together
M come into the WE, last closed WE mtg is this SUN. 3/30
W need for strong facilitation, don't do support group well, work on sexist dynamics radical spiritual transformation
M in our local grp when someone is creating harm, person coming back changed.
not comfortable with moving fwd w/ mtg today w/ will

items for Next MTG:
How to proceed w/ Transition Team
brief Report back on what is being done w/ WE
pool direction for structure transition
Campus Icarus - email update from sascha still needed
+ hip hop mental health collab report back
Create Schedule w/ Agenda before Mtgs
ken movie / how respond to media creative opps.
+ radio archive from gregory.
request time for check out/ mtg closure
Next 3rd SUN Community Call April 20th Noon PST 3pm EST

Next Owl MTG: Weds 4/2/08 at Noon-1:30 PST