
Icarus Coordinator Call

will notes
annie facilitate


Personal Check Ins
feedback on jobshare annie michael email
touch base on Fh space
Working Group Check Ins
Blog Post
Coordinator Gathering
Advisory Council/Vision Keepers
Job Sharing Hiring Process (web/support/general)

Personal checkins -

Michael - feeling good, living situation makes it hard to connect to internet, busy with 123, ny group good, hunter health fair was cool

molly - dealing with health. good support, lots good happening with ARMHC. lots of people joining icarus, new local groups, need to connect with mimi and nick

will - coming to north carolina, visiting people, visiting family

angel - glad to be here, good icarus message reception at Hunter this weekend

annie - very busy, lot going on, culmination of gallatin colloquium, campus icarus in phenomenal place, lots exciting coming. Got NYU Community Service Award!

feedback on annie jobshare with michael plan

molly - inspired by rockdove and third root outreach ally work ideas

molly - working group structure document created a year ago, doesn't show tasks truly. If anyone feels that document is not representative of working group work, that document should be looked at and added to be more representative. likes part of partnering with others and joining together

will - looks good but looks like a lot of work and responsibility

will -- might be good to create a calendar

Annie new hire update

getting oriented, connected to madigan, got wellness policy -- her new hire process is rolling

email - get annie an icarus email address - WILL

Blog Post

Blog post for Welcome New Icarista! will 4 Annie and campus icarus --  campus icarus award, posters, etc

specific blog post on sascha? sort of like Welcome Icarista?

take Nick's from notes in working groups

include incorporation of new organic groups feature on site

will track down nick and michael and madigan

photos from hunter college event? - angel has

steven smiles has great nature pictures

annie -- create a gallatin icarus gallery -- some of it on gallatin organic icarus gallery -

link to the gallery from the organic group. - how would this work re: site navigation

next week or the following week get blog post up

michael - hasn't updated -- will - should we meet on the phone to go over idea

Fountain House

Angel -- Fountain House -- plans to meet with Bree in education, Ruth wellness, andrew in clerical

space - going to meet with people

possibility of moving temporary - waiting to hear back from WRL

michael -- mimi and he talked -- best for michael to email with allan doyle, construction hasn't started yet - tell allan we haven't found new location yet etc etc

molly - is stuff being packed in office?

michael - mimi starting on this, but actually moving, not yet

molly - coordinator gathering/advisory council/visionkeepers -- people should respond via email for this

molly -- jobshare seems relevant to web group so nick should be here for that

molly -- fundraising -- related to mimi and nick/database, so hard to handle at moment

molly -- please respond to emails, fix holes in posting on organic groups