
Icarus Coordinator meeting

will notetaker
<mimi joins late>

Personal Check Ins
Work Group Updates
Again, where are we with draft job descriptions/work plans for working groups?
Tabled from last week:
Communication flow/posting on site/sub forums for work groups
Fundraising plan

revise agenda -- focus on communication flow issue after work group updates

will -- weather improving in portland, lots of school work, things good
molly -- good, busy; acupuncture good; agustina - having kid
nick -- meeting with drupaleros in nyc, excited about web group

---------- >>>>>>>>> big shout out to agustina in labor with the littlest icarista <<<<<<<<<<< ---------------

revise agenda -- focus on communication flow issue after work group updates

set up developers site
testing login issue
subversion / version control
interface for database -- nick working on this -- using contrib modules
moderators forum activity - coming up with moderation policies, roles etc.
empties planning on stepping back from forums - coming up with proposal on forum moderating
empties will be answering admin questions but not moderating forums directly

handout on crisis raising need for editorial, publication info flow + process structure
spanish, german translations
PBS interview - michael getting back
skillshare weds july 2nd 7pm in the icarus conf call

draft of job desc for coordinator / core responsibility
web hosting / liason stuff, answer comm questions
wellness and grievance policies development, identify individuals to help guide these docs
get involved blurb page and how to edit it / modify it

<mimi joins>

oryx investigated bank account -- looks like can get bank acct under Collective Initiatives
Jessie faxing midyear report in next couple of days b4 she goes on vacation
will's paycheck on the way / stop payment
need conf call set up for database strategy and plan with nick + others


what can we do immediately

how to get involved/ open plans pages
sketch of revised forum structure?

using forums or email list?

work groups decide how much or how little to use forums

ways to flow people into working groups -

get involved page?

handout document created by claire - great editorial input on web forums

clarity of who people should contact for what

proposal -- setting up email contacts for each group

envisioning icarus section -- subforums for each working group
first thing -- new topic areas

as each comes to this -- writing job desc and work plan as intro -- who are we and what are we doing

those forums can open up and each team can put shout outs

positive response on workgroup proposal

mimi- listserv helpful - wary of organizing on forums, how things got convoluted in past
forums good way to bring people in but not get things done

molly -- dif groups organize their communication in different ways -- work groups different

decide now: what tools do we need to put in place

molly -- each group have page on open plans -- secondary

first -- put something on forums

molly -- putting a thread on forums

mimi -- first need to set up a listserv

empties- comm needs to know who contacts are for these things -

nick -- organic groups -- you can subscribe to forums and it serves as an email list - it would tie into drupal - potential to move from phpbb to drupal

will -- thats a great idea to use organic groups -- let's think in terms of immediate needs and then longer range planning for organic groups on drupal --

nick - make sure whatever we do is compatible with future drupal integration

nick + will coordinate on this

will -- come up with simple synthesis of this discussion

PROPOSAL FOR DISCUSSION / approval via email? -- info flow reorganization:

1. set up media@ admin@ web@ education@ etc email forwarders to coordinators

2. should we start using icarus-coord@lists.riseup.net instead of individual address to archive coord email discussion?

3. revise forum structure to this:

-- move Local Organizing and Envisioning Icarus forums down as most people come for peer support
-- rename to
    Envisioning Icarus -- Intergalactic Organizing
    Local Community Organizing

Under Envisioning Icarus - Intergalactic Organizing:
    each working group has a sub-forum
    move posts

Open Plans -- each work group has page, reorg OP accordingly

Rewrite Open Plans intro page and How To Get Involved on drupal

where does campus icarus section fit?