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09-02-09 Collective Call Notes | The Icarus Project

Present:  Annie, Molly (notes), Angel, Will, Mimi, Eric, Kiran

Check In/Choir: 
Shifting towards autumn, full range of emotion, whirlwinds, insane days, health issues, all over rapidly, healing, travel, europe, mexico, shaky sleep, full moon coming soon, acupuncture, floaty, physical self care, out of it, sick, pretty good, zoned out.

(Annie needs to leave early.  Gives consent to sign off on hire.) 

Kiran Consulting/Retreat Proposal:
Excitement about retreat.  Concerns about budget $.
Mimi-wants to bring together local groups at a retreat.  Molly-suggests smaller regional gatherings.  Annie-feels we need a retreat to review collective structure/provide healing oasis.  Proposal from Will/Kiran-Combine ideas into coordinator retreat + regional gathering.  Could provide practice run for regional retreats. 
*Annie excited to help coordinate fundraising working group w/volunteers in NYC along with new hire.  Needs to step back from Campus organizing for a bit (*will send email about this/talk more in coming days). 
08 Retreat cost aprox. $1,500 including 3 flights, food and support person stipend. 
09 Retreat budget aprox. $3,000 which includes 3 flights, food, support and consult stipend for Kiran assuming High Point or similar setting is available to us. 

Thoughts from Kiran about what we'd do together on retreat (see notes from recent call):
Collective would decide/work together to define priorities.
Goals/strategic planning 1-3-5 year goals. 
Support working groups in connecting/define goals/identify overlap/who is involved/who needs to be involved/resource needs/how others can support. 
Trouble shooting consensus/decision making process.
Integrate popular education/T.O.
Will-Reimaging Change/Smart Meem and messaging around what we do. 
If contracted in stipend/consult role, Kiran needs 1 or 2 point people to keep on track/communicate collective needs.  *Need to identify who. 

Hiring Distro/Admin:
Options are Candidate 1, candidate 2 or shifting collective members into open role. 

All agree candidate 1 has capibility/skill set, new energy/ideas, to take position to next level.  Consensus to hire from all on call.  *Mimi will check in w/Madigan then (if no block) will move forward and make offer to candidate.  General process is to give copies of job description/core responsibilities/wellness/grievance policy to sign and keep on file.  Ask for 2 months notice to leave position.  If she accepts, invite to be on calls starting next week 9/9.  *Will can draft/modify "no thank you letter" from last round of hiring and send to all who were not interviewed.  *Mimi/Annie will follow up with second round people, personally. 

Tech volunteer application deadline coming up.  *Mimi will forward account info to Eric.  Various accounts (web) need to be archived with web team/currently in admin handbook. 

Briefly touching on fundraising:
Mimi's awesome 24hour bike ride surpassed initial $ goal/last minute appeals.  Catalyst fundraising structure great model to engage and involve stakeholders.
Raffle for skydiving (madigan) great idea!   WRL main fundraiser is online raffle.  Auctions/raffles online/on site exciting idea. 
*Database seems pressing to invest in immediately.  More sustainable to have data in hands of more/spread out among coordinators. 
*Will suggests sending E-Newsletter/late summer blog post to membership and email list.
*Mimi will send 24hour bike ride debrief/summary. 

Next week 9/9/09
Carry over conversation about budgeting and fundraising.  Need to get clarity about how to proceed with Kiran.  Also need to check in with working groups about current goals/needs.