Collective Call 9/16/09

Present:  Mimi (first half), Madigan, Molly (scribe), Eric, Annie (facilitate), Angel (joins at half time)

Mimi/Admin Update: 
Maintaining operations/needs to step back/taking longer than thought.
Compiling manual/updating budget/spreadsheet/stocking microcosm/AKpress.
We are through 1/2 of distro materials.  Orange cards gone! 
Anxious about finances. 
Still waiting on applicant reference.  Interview w/candidate was awesome, not same level of experience but  most valuable small collective/activist work projects budget/campaign building/connected well/has background w/project.  Reservation is background w/tasks/good if willing to engage and commit. 
Best case scenario?  Timeline?
Now!  Feeling uneasy about letting stuff fall apart.  Can be flexible 1-2 weeks.  Best case, stumped/create doomsday plan/scale down/10k in bank/prioritize most important functions/creating database is HUGE priority/helps fundraise.  Suggests smaller staff.

"It's all torch passable as it is." 
"Keep even keel, don't freak out!"
"Rock Steady!"
Mimi in touch w/Annie.
AJ Must building stuff ongoing/up in the air.  Things looming/in planning.  Maintain relationship w/FH as back up.  We will get notice, but good to have plan B. 

Thanks Mimi! 

Personal Check Ins!

Madigan was on MindFreedom Sat. 
Commitment to horozontal organizing/walking together asking questions/the heart of our work/collective liberation! 

Mad props to Annie for Wiretap article! 

We have a strong foundation to build upon.  It's totally possible! 

Admin/Distro Position + Hiring:
Overall inclination to not hire for position at this time.
Fold core responsibilities into edu/outreach roles/delegate specifics. 
Works well financially/organizationally. 
Checking in more often/3 month trials/check points.
Concerns about agency when work is shared/split.
If we divy up responsibilities is there time/energy from each working group to pick up? 
What are basics?  Distro/orders/inventory.  Fiscal responsibility/FJC relations/requests/reporting/budget/donor relations.  Answering info@ inquiries. 

Be where we are!  Move with agency in current capacity. 

Collaborating w/Kiran:
Proposal to offer Kiran 1/2 support network stipend Oct/Nov/Dec with the goal of taking working group structure to next developmental stage conceptualizing how we partner and overlap in working groups, increase volunteer capacity/creating pathways , sage advisors and updating policies around grievance/wellness, etc.   Then phase out Support Network Coordinator position by 1st of year by delegating responsibilities to community members/volunteers. 

Proposal to not have retreat in November but other gathering in NYC with those present. 
Proposal to fundraise for more inclusive retreat next summer in Detroit in conjunction with Social Forum. 

Shifting Roles:
Currently hard to see how feelings/passions/skills in roles fit. 
Barebones of campus is distro overlapping w/support network. 
Empower people w/resources and info to support the work. 
Suggestion to fold Admin/Outreach and Edu/Distro. 
Annie is passionate about remaining engaged in campus work. 
Learning how to be Both/And. 
Synergize diverse skill/styles. 
Thinking of stipend as what we have to do (tasks) and beyond that labor of love (passion projects). 

Web Stuff:
Wikipedia page needs updating/rewrite.  Suggestion bump post/delegate to community. 
Remove Newsweek comment. 
Move madness radio up on page. 
It would be helpful to have 1 hour conversation w/Nick for clarity. 

All take responsibility for noticing and delegating!

Action Items:

Need consensus from Will re: decision to not hire. 

Angel and Annie schedule a meeting w/Mimi to cover basics of her role and discuss ways to share responsibilities.  Suggestion to fold in brief exit interview w/Mimi. 

Annie will send email to candidate about us not hiring at this time.  Appreciating contribution to the project. 

Molly draft proposal for working w/Kiran, circulate within collective for sign off, send to Kiran for input. 

Reminder!  Third Sunday Community Call this week, 8/20 3pm (est) on the wonkavator! 

(note: new moon friday!)