This is an invitation for all the members of our organic group to look through the forums for artwork, writing, etc, that we feel would make good contributions to the zine. Please make sure to provide a link to the thread or page where you found it, as well as the author or artist's full username. We don't need to worry about contacting people for permission yet -- we're just collecting right now.
When you find a piece of writing, artwork, etc that you like, you can add it to the "Found Treasures" wiki page by creating a "child page".
To create a child page...
1. From the Icarus Zine Project Page click on "Wiki" at the top left hand of the page. (It's up there next to the ity bity image of the icarus flying boy.)
2. Next click on the "Found Treasures" wiki page.
3. At the bottom of the page in left hand corner, you will see something in red that says "Add child page" Click on this. This will allow you to add the piece you found to the Found Treasures wiki.
4. In the title box, give the piece you found a title. Please indicate the genre (poem, essay, quote, comic, photo, drawing, etc) of the work, use the title the artist or author has given to the piece, and list the artist or author's full username.
Genre, Title, Author or Artist's Username
For example, Nightbloom wrote a poem called Zyprexa Coffee Cups so Chiaroscuro entitled it
"poem: Zyprexa coffee cups by Nightbloom"
5. If the piece doesn't have a title, you can give it a temporary title or just indicate the type of piece it is and give the author or artist's name.
ie: "Quote by Empties"
"Poem by Nightbloom"
6. Cut and paste the written work into the box that says, "BODY" Either at the top or bottom of the piece, please add the link to the thread or page where you found it!
7. If you found ARTWORK such as a photo, illustration or drawing, you can cut and paste the image by
a) right clicking on the image you found with your mouse (or if you have a MAC, hold down the "control" key on the bottom right of your keyboard and click on your mouse) and choose "COPY IMAGE ADDRESS" .
b) Then in the section of the wiki page you are creating where it says "BODY" click on the small yellow letter/envelope looking icon. An IMAGE PROPERTIES BOX will pop up. Paste the image address you just copied into the URL field.
c) Click in the center of the PREVIEW box to see the image you just cut and paste. It should be there for you to preview!
d) Finally, click the ALIGN tab. It will give you a drop down menu of choices. For align I just click"left" and it comes out on the left side of the wiki page. But you can play around with alignment, and if you understand all that width, height, border, h space, vspace stuff, you can enter properties into those boxes too. I haven't played with those boxes yet so I just leave them blank!
e) When you are ready, click "OKAY"
Once you do that your image should show up in the BODY box like this... see...
(body box... that sounds funny... hee hee)
You can add text above or below the image if you want too.
8. Below the BODY BOX is the LOG MESSAGE box, you can leave that blank.
9. When you are ready click SUBMIT at the bottom of the child wiki page you just created.
P.S. If you want to share your thoughts or make a comment about the writing or artwork that you chose. You can do that by clicking on "Add new comment "which is in red at the bottom left hand side of the wiki page you just created.
For example, Chiaroscuro found a photo "Black Birds II" by GypsyFly and added the comment...
"The background would need to be lightened on this. She has a higher-res version too."
Of course, if you have any trouble with any of these steps feel free to PM sandpiper or chiaroscuro.
Log Message... where'd it go?
Hey sandpiper, where'd you see that Log Message message at? I wrote it and then it didn't appear so I added a notes comment too.