
Update on blog and financial transparency

Blog went out - looks awesome! Thanks Eric!
Question about financial tranparency from Molly:
Postage and printing costs?
Angel will provide estimation of costs and money from fundraiser, etc.

Ittleson grant update

Annie met with Tony Wood and talked about taking proposal written by Bay Area Icarus re: regional organizing and using that for basis for grant proposal. Annie is happy to be point person but wants input/collaboration.

Local groups and how they want to participate

Molly can't speak for the Asheville local, but it sounds like the people she has talked to are interested in how they can be supportive to overall TIP
Jacks: First local organizer group in the Bay Area meets tonight, six people are attending, there's lots of momentum and people are stoked.
Christin: There is initial interest in the local group.
Molly: Third Sunday calls haven't been happening since spring when they were taken over by planning for the USSF. Maybe we can use the calls to build momentum and plug people in to projects regionally.
Christin willing to help with that, Molly willing to partner.
Call next Sunday, the 15th.
Jacks: Send emails to contact addresses for local groups as well as posting on the forums?

Tasks and timeline

What tasks to place on the timeline:
Reaching out to collaborators/allies/advisors
Instigating grassroots fundraising
(Jacks will see if folks want to form working group in their regional org group.)
Jacks asked if Angel, Annie or Eric have any items that can be added to reduce stress, burnout?
Annie: Focused on wanting to synthesize stuff into the Ittleson grant. Working on Northeast regional group. Clear steps as to advisory council. What does this phase look like?
Angel: Distro restructuring, maybe split into a west coast and east coast?
Eric: Being in touch with monthly donaters throughout the year?
Overhaul of the website, there are three or four people on board in NYC who would be willing to block off a weekend as volunteers. Eric's heart is in building a better website vs. structural stuff.

The word restructuring is painful and corporate for Molly. Christin agrees and proposes 'evolution'. Forward movement, not panic.

Jacks asked if another Bay Area Icarista could be in on these calls when they are out of town. Consensus was yes!
