First post! Try to ignore my puncations from hell. Somebody once told me Jack Kerouac did the same thing (?)

I was going to post an impromptu poem; but every time I break the line; the damn thing breaks time and I whine!

A week ago I was at Sarah's place (she's going to be my ecchs wife soon); in Greenville, SC. She went away for a few days while I watched our dogs do stuff.  While I was there I scanned alot of drawings and doodles I did recently at "B-Hive"; here in Asheville, NC.  I had a thread on the forums **what puncuation mark do I use here** ; taking requests for me to draw stuff. I enjoyed entertaining youse (plural) during a stressful time.

Then I returned to Asheville and bought a new phone, with the money she paid me for watching Wheatie and Copper.  I was having problems with it,; which induced some seizures that drove me up the wall. I don't convulse. I'm somewhat conscious; with a side of intense vertigo. I had too many on that day.

Issues: nothing much. I'm not the "poster boy" for anything today. This is more of an "introduction". Feel free to ask me questions or whatever. 

that's it for today's blog post. Yippee!!!!! Have a day:)