The Icarus Project envisions a new culture and language that resonates with our actual experiences of 'mental illness' rather than trying to fit our lives into a conventional framework.

We are a network of people living with and/or affected by experiences that are commonly diagnosed and labeled as psychiatric conditions. We believe these experiences are mad gifts needing cultivation and care, rather than diseases or disorders. By joining together as individuals and as a community, the intertwined threads of madness, creativity, and collaboration can inspire hope and transformation in an oppressive and damaged world. Participation in The Icarus Project helps us overcome alienation and tap into the true potential that lies between brilliance and madness.

The Icarus Project is a collaborative, participatory adventure fueled by inspiration and mutual aid. We bring the Icarus vision to reality through an Icarus national staff collective and a grassroots network of autonomous local support groups and Campus Icarus groups across the US and beyond.

To read more about our mission, vision, and work, check out the full text of our mission statement. We're non-profit and donation driven; please consider making a donation if you can, even $10 helps keep us going.

For latest news, click here to read the Icarus Coordinators blog.

2011: Icarista Reportbacks From the Front

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We sent out a call to longtime Icarus members far and wide to tell us a little bit about what they have been up to in 2011and what Icarus means to them. Here's what we heard back....

Donate to The Icarus Project!

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Click here for info on making a tax-deductible donation to help this work continue!

Mad Gifts: An Art Show

The Icarus Project is curating a Northeast regional art show at Small World Coffee in Princeton, NJ for the month of November. 

flyer by TheAntisocialite ->


TIP: Financial Reports

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 This page will contain the most recent financial reports from The Icarus Project including income, expenses, foundation money received, etc.

How To Get Involved

The Icarus Project is a wild collaborative adventure bringing together an unruly band of co-conspirators from near and far -- and you're invited! Here are some ways to volunteer and get involved...


Terms of Service

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We are a community based website, support network, and underground media project created by and for people diagnosed with bipolar disorder and other dangerous gifts that are commonly labeled as me


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Read more about Icarus and our website here...

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