Wow ... What Have I Found Here!
Submitted by mika_elle on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 11:52amSearching around one morning for resources and websites on Art Therapy, stumbled upon this site .... Immediately blown away. All these years I thought I was an odd BiP, because I refused to believe that so many aspects of my being BiPolar were truly an intrical part of my spirit and soul's mystical connection to something far greater than myself. And here ..... after all these years .... are kindrid spirits and voices .... I'm overwhelmed with Joy. Thank you to those who created this site, those who had this vision, those who believed. Thank you for believing ... for being! Thank you to each and every one of you who are part of this community, even though I haven't met you yet. Thank you for your courage. It will take me a while to explore this new universe, but I looked forward to the journey into this amazing realm. So many beautiful and haunting stories. So much to share, to learn, to embrace. And all this time I thought I was alone.