Submitted by lovepath7 on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 11:48am
To live leaving no-trace; the fully and completely residue-less existence.
Ultimately, laws and rules are for those who haven't the moral capacity or maturity to perceive what is right and good and true autonomously. Rules have their place and purpose, but that purpose is less significant than the Dynamically superior position of truly autonomous and integrative Reason.
After all, we can only embrace that which we are separate from.
Inculsion and integration is a power resulting from transcendence.
The most significant problem in communication and mutual understanding, in fact understanding in general, has to do with the vast difference between the common understanding of the meaning of terms and their actual meanings, their deeper and most true meaning. The difference is so great, particularly with respect to the grandest terms such as 'God', 'religion', 'science', 'self', 'mind', 'philosophy', etc., that the common perception and the actual meaning are often in polar opposition to oneanother, which is to also say that we are living in a matrix and condition of persistent irony. Without authenticity of meaning of terms and concepts, the foundation of communication and understanding is deeply flawed and therefore the place from which we begin any conversation, contemplation or analysis is flawed as well. When the foundation is flawed, all that is built on top of it is profoundly affected. This is the source of our deepest conflict in self and society. We need to penetrate to the deep truth of meaning. Without such an agreement of authenticity, it is like two people getting together to have a resolutive conversation when they both speak different languages- nothing can be accomplished until they agree on a similar language in which to speak. If they proceed without addressing this crucial first step, then mutual understanding will be nearly impossible, but by strange coincidence, and the longer they talk, the less they will accomplish. This situation is further complicated by the fact that such grand themes and terms as those listed above always have multiple definitions and levels of meaning. So a comprehensive review and subsequent agreement of authentic definitions and meaning is necessary before dialogue, or monologue, can truly begin.
The world is not pre-given in toto, but is literally 'broadened' at each higher level of mind; each level of mind has its own world which is invisible to those levels of mind below it. Again, there is no duality between mind and the world.
The type of definition or meaning that is derived is directly correlated with the level of consciousness of the mind which derives it, the level of interpretive apprehension of the mind of the knower. Many of our problems in communication are due to the different levels mind and interpretation from which the many parties involved are operating. Each level has its own level, and while each higher level includes the lower, what makes it higher is emergent properties which are not present in the lower at all, i.e. concepts include symbolic language, but are more than symbols alone.
In practical terms, a helpful place to start is to determine what value there is in all the perspectives and views present. All too often, our starting point as egoic, conditioned beings is to find out what is wrong about that which is presented to us and in finding something wrong, we extend it to the whole and reject the perspective outright, i.e. throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Instead, our task is to loosen the fist of the separate self-sense by finding the value in any and all things and perspectives that we find and perceive, find the part that is right instead of that which is wrong; for all views, perspectives, people and ways possess or reflect some portion of value, even if it is infinitessimal, and then 'linking together' these 'authentic values' integrally.
This is how the Great Heart and Center is apprehended. Not through finding the one separate and specific 'right', but by finding and apprehending the right in all, to the deepest levels, and letting them blend into Integral Identity of their own Nature.