After posting my previous entry this morning- my somewhat usual mix, provocative, clever, pretentious.  I had a moment, like o.k"¦"¦"¦"¦"¦"¦what am I up to here?  What are we up to?  Because Eyes in the Pine was never simply my own notion, writ large.  But a collaborative effort. With persons, if they can be deemed as such, of a glimpsed and felt nature.

Which of course, is what Eyes in the Pine is all about- the fact as I see it that we can all learn to tune into the 'energetic' world, in addition- not substitution- to the 'ordinary' or 'material' world.  The Second Attention.  Intuition is a word perhaps more familiar. 

And by 'material' world, I'm tossing concepts onto the boat.  We think too much, ruminate too obsessively.  Since this is a collective thing, we tend not to notice.  How trapped we are in our heads.  How miserable, hiding so much and pretending to be happier than we are.

The good news is that we don't have to be miserable.  But it takes real effort and guts.  First, you stop hiding it.  A sense of 'what have I got to lose?'  We're all going to be dead in 50 years anyway.  Why play comfort short term always at the expense of growth long term?   Not to mention that  I believe that for us to survive, well anyway, we're going to need a large scale transformation- one of consciousness, primarily.  More of us need to wake up to our own connections, waiting for us to discover.  If we would but ask and ask sincerely.

Jung said that the imagination is the "royal road to the unconscious".  The primer of the pump that brings life up from the Underworld and draws it down from the Heavens above.  We can learn to alter our states of awareness and tune in to"¦"¦"¦ much.  Feel our bodies and know, feel, what the Earth is telling us.  Right now.  A leader in your own way.

Joining Heaven and Earth. Body, Heart and Head.  We can do that, and there's no strict formula.  It's creative, unique, and totally individual. You just ask the Universe, over and over to lead you that way even at the expense of your dearly bought 'comfort' (and oh it will be I can almost assure you) and then simply Pay Attention.  Follow the cues without 'knowing'; notice synchronicity.  Or learn to, with meditation or body work, power plants or really good sex with someone you love.  Something.

Nature is good for this. 

But when I went to Her for guidance last summer,  I got the message, very strongly, and mirrored in every conventional science as well these days, that we're in very, very serious trouble around here, and we better fess up to what we'll tell ourselves on our Death Beds.

About how we failed to act like adults, responsible fucking Adults.

Yes, I'm trying to shame you and us all.  Because sometimes shame has it's place. 

But enough of the shame, we've done the guilt to death.  Guilt is the grinding edge between empathy and narcissism.  We know which way to go.

O.K.  Shame and guilt were fine but troublesome and now it's time to move on.  I want to do my part, and Eyes in the Pine does too.  But I don't want to browbeat and fume.  And besides, honestly I think it's already too late.  I'd rather spend my last years on this planet enjoying the beauty what's left of Her and storing those images in my soul and to others- than run around in a anxious haze.  If we're going to hell in a Handbucket, at least I'm going to enjoy the Ride.  Fuck it.  Life goes on; it's a Jungle in Here people.  Big Universe. Real big.

I mean gimongus.  Really huge. 

Some ambivalence on my part with all this?  You bet.  More than some.   That's why it's this blog and not some Other. 

BTW, since I cover the Liminal,  the Shadowy as all things unknown are to us, I must report a big UFO story breaking in- get this- the national news.  Chicago Tribune piece linked here, written by a well- respected guy, Jon Hilkevitch.  Surprising many people. Seen by pilots and workers at O'Hare airport in November.  Shot up after hovering and left a freakin' hole in the low cloud ceiling.  No, seriously, check this out and also the airports lame 'explanation'.  I'm tellin' ya people- the governments of France, Russia, Japan and Brazil are starting to open up case files and blow open the whole issue.  The O'Hare sighting is hard to dismiss, and the cat's already almost out of the bag.  FYI.  The same intelligences that are warning us about the Planet, with higher profile results, apparently.  And if you haven't watched Out of the Blue, check it.  There are hundreds of military eye-witnesses ready to testify- but they need legal amnesty due to security clearance issues. 

Don't let the Ridicule Factor keep you from enjoying one of the most amazing stories of all time- the the lid's coming off more and more.  If you need a reason check it out, dig:  The UFO topic blows a hole in the secrecy and the selfish motives of parts of our government, and I guess I daresay of ourselves.  The fact that we'd just rather not deal with troubling realities!  But remember what Jung said- the way out is always through.

Stay Tuned- but I promise I won't obsess on it!

Above Moto:  The Others??? If you dare"¦"¦"¦"¦..