Democracy vs. Ignorance


I'm listening to an interview about 9/11 theories. Ironically, yesterday I was reading on Wikipedia about theories that the CIA created Al Queda with the intention of creating a war. Honestly, my 10,000 word story that I wrote in 2001 was something I would admit came true, in many ways. It's a story about people brainwashed by corporate controlled media, who drive in circles on highways for OIL. I do not even know why I chose Oil as the focus, as I had come back from a road trip, it was just something that seemed like the easiest tool for blind consumerism. Well, then we went to war with Iraq, and then these "crazy conspiracies" in my dystopian story "A Prison for Paradise" came true. Yet, still no one acknowledges my story as relevant and I have yet to get it published...but that doesn't matter, what matters is the record is there.

Doubts...I doubt that I am happy with the role i play in consumerist U.S. as a consumer for the sake of consuming. My father and I had an interesting conversation yesterday. Work completes him, yet he has no sense of real completion, in other words. My going to college, getting an education, getting a career, being fueled by his work and effort into helping me adjust to society is both good and a hindrance IMO to a sense of completion in his mind...he often points to how I will feel complete when I drive, go to college, have a career. That I am on my way to independence. IN America, we have the God-given birthright to independence and a sense of completion. But don't get hung up on "pursuit of happiness" and trade it for pursuit of ignorance, because ignorance is not bliss. And America was not founded on ignorance! I feel complete as I am, right individual independent in my own self. I've quit taking medications to dull me into complacency and obsession over perfectionism and idealism of the American Hypocricy.

I am done. Finished. With serving the evils of mankind. I am finished with this game. Game over...I quit. I quit serving this society of consumers who rant and rave about lies. LIES LIES LIES. For instance, on FOX news a man shoots some people on a rampage, terrible, but this is linked directly to immigration laws??? NO> You can't blame immigration on a random act of violence. Neither can you group 1 or 2 or 7 percent of United States citizens who struggle with Mania as violent criminals. We all know this is not true. I've never committed a crime nor have been charged with anything, and I am a woman! Discrimination at school is also possible, students found out about my illness and one approached me in an elavator and claimed I had said I wanted to shoot someone. I told him seriously that it was not something to joke on, it wasn't true, etc. The next day five police men searched my room. There was a report that I had a weapon in my room! Do you think that's discrimination over a mental "illness"? I do.

I think there's a lot we need to look into...about how our Nation is falling apart. In my tarot cards, I know it's a silly reference, but I got the reading that stated "Power to the little man. The Tower is falling..." It was an answer to my question on the state of America in the coming year. Well, what do you know? The tower is falling, and the other advice was to ride the waves, there may be a possible good outcome...but not to fall prey to siding with those who scream the loudest. Now is the time to maintain control of the little things that matter. despite this advice, nothing can stop FREEDOM. I may be a peaceful resister, or I may be a single voice in a crowd of billions, but I shall not be silenced.