An outline from an expert on the cult of psychiatry and its forced drugging, false imprisonment and torture

The psychiatric system currently is a cruel, damaging system of punishment, which does not help, rather wrecks, causes trauma, frightens and crushes those who have committed no crime, yet are forced to become involuntary patients to experimental ‘medical treatment’ that causes them physical harm.
These patients are told they must be agreeable to treatment and they must agree with the doctor’s diagnosis. Any complaints are ignored. Brain-washing wears the person who is in a vulnerable state down to the point where they become hypnotised by the cult of psychiatry.
Now, people can choose to be cult followers if they want to, but when the government places laws that allow such a cult to falsely imprison, forcefully drug and brain-wash civilians, this is really wrong. Particularly when this cult is hiding under the guise of being ‘medical’. Psychiatry is not medical. Medicine is not forced upon a person. Diabetes medication, heart medication, even a person involved in a traffic accident are not forced to receive medical treatment.
Psychiatric diagnosis is about thoughts, the person is not actually going to deteriorate, like a person with syphilis or someone running a fever. They are just thinking. They just need to be talked to.
So what is happening? They are being drugged with chemicals that cause harm to their bodies and make them unable to return to work. The government is policing those who are different, eccentric, odd, weird and those who believe in things outside the range of understood sense. That’s prejudice, which plays on the public’s fear of difference. The media propaganda machine highlighting the murderers who get diagnosed as ‘mentally ill’, to such an extent that anyone who exhibits oddities becomes a possible murderer, needing to be ‘nipped in the bud before they do something like what that horrible monster did.’ The government is destroying a lot of beautiful flowers, through fear. That’s really unfair and damaging to society, because diversity is really important.
When a person hasn’t done anyone wrong, they haven’t done anything wrong. Unless a person threatens harm, then they have no intention of causing it.
An interesting example of fear exhibited by a psychiatrist is the case of Dr Nevi Vair. During a forced interview, I got out of my chair, picked up my guitar and walked out. This got written up by Vair as, ‘She threatened me with her guitar.’
Now, that was used to incarcerate me. Vair’s fear, unfounded and untrue. But he’s ‘the expert’, ‘the professional’, so he’s believed. And I’m harmed because of his irrational fears.
Unfair. Unfair. Does not advance Australia fair, unless you’re talking about white-coats and bleached walls.
The Australian community does not want to believe that people in the 1970s were forcefully given large quantities of LSD to supposedly ‘to reverse the psychotic effects by causing psychotic effects.’ They don’t want to believe that the current chemicals forced on people cause harm, even when celebrities die from them like Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger or have traffic accidents because of them like Britney Spears. But if the Australian public had any sense, they could logically understand that not everyone can drink coffee, not everyone can drink alcohol, not everyone can eat peanuts, not everyone can smoke, not everyone can take penicillin, not everyone can take anaesthetic and some people have to live in a bubble.
If a person complains about the substance  a psychiatrist wants them to take, they are asked to wait and see if things get better. The person thinks stuff that, stops taking the chemical, gets better, lies to the psychiatrist that they’re still taking the chemical, so they won’t be subjected to it by force. The psychiatrist writes the person up as a ‘success story’. Or this; the person keeps taking the chemical, keeps complaining, but never is taken seriously. The psychiatrist writes them up as a success story.
Why/ why is this happening? Oh, that’s right, because the Australian public doesn’t believe people like me, even though there is a lot of people like me. Even though Tardive Dyskinesia is a pretty obvious and well-documented effect of ‘medications’. The community in ignorance tend to think of that involuntary twitching as schizophrenia. It’s not. It’s the chemical the person is forced by the government to take. It becomes permanent if the person is forced to take the chemical for a long duration, making them physically crippled for life.
Psychiatrists support each other’s decisions. They don’t want to get struck off the board by rubbing any of their colleagues up the wrong way. And, they have way too much power. They are a judge, with the power to incarcerate and mandate and force invasive procedures, they are a police officer with the power to use force and a torturer with the power to cause harm.
Now, priests and teachers are often imbued with power, authority and righteousness. Some of them have raped children. It took a while for the Australian public to recognise those children were not lying, the priests and teachers were. Authorities in power sometimes do really bad things that the community find hard to believe.
The ‘kiddy fiddling’ by priests and brothers was happening all around the globe. The atrocities of psychiatry are happening all around the globe. Horrific human rights violations happening this year, 2010 in your own country.
The community really needs to stand up for those vulnerable who are being tortured and say: this is not okay when the government laws are a violation of human rights.
These laws are not giving people the choice of less restrictive options like cognitive therapy, massage, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, osteopath, groups such as Voices Victoria, rehabilitation services, art therapy, music therapy… when possibly these are what will help the person most. Because every person is different and needs to be treated according to their preference of what help means. The government is allowing psychiatrist to force chemical treatments. Psychiatrists, in my experience, are poor communicators, are too arrogant and judgemental and prejudiced to listen to people experiencing trauma, and are not treating people in a way that will help them recover and contribute to the community.
And, I am an expert, because I have life experience of these systems of force gone so horribly wrong. A psychiatrist is not an expert because they have no experience of taking these drugs, have not been incarcerated or experienced trauma in a way that is outside the range of understood sense. They are colonialists of our bodies.
Makes sense that they want to go into Aboriginal communities and force their white-coat drugs on peoples who have been traumatised by racism, doesn’t it? Of course, if you get bashed or raped by the Australian army sent in to ‘protect’, you obviously have a chemical imbalance.
People with real life experience cannot be denied their view, the expert torturer can. They are criminals legalised by the Australian government and many other governments around the world, with the exception of Scotland.