Breaking dysfuction-cping mechanism which are no longer serving me to move forward.
Submitted by favororange on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 11:40amappologies to those whom are made uncomfortable by my mishaps and unintentional lack of consideration. How else to initiate treatment for a self created condition of adapting, coping and making due in light of the circumstances and situations I have faced. To redirect these habit patterns enevitably will , take time, a tremendous amount of dilgence ( self discipline) and continual reminder as to why I am doing it. Kepping the motivation on the forefront most deffinitely helps with the choice to create healthy alternative responses. This is the key to replacing negative disfunction. Choosing to direct behavior from an understood desire to improve and incorporate ones best self-interest. Careful to watch for the triggers which distract me from what it is that I WANT.